Autor: Božič, Andrej
Přispěvatelé: Milfelner, Borut
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali zadovoljstvo odjemalcev izobraževalnih storitev izobraževalnega zavoda Univerzum Minerva. S teorijo iz znanstvene literature smo povedali, kaj je pomembno pri storitvah in kaj pri zadovoljstvu izobraževalnih storitev. Na enak način smo opredelili tudi kakovost izobraževalnih storitev, pri čemer nam je za osnovo služila znanstvena podlaga iz področja zagotavljanja kakovosti visokega šolstva. Natančneje smo opisali koncept zadovoljstva in zadovoljstvo kot merilo uspešnosti delovanja ponudnika storitev. Navedli smo kako lahko zadovoljstvo grafično prikažemo, navedli nekaj modelov s katerimi zadovoljstvo merimo ter nekaj na kaj nam pri tem lahko povzroča težave. Predstavili Zavod UMI z njihovim obsežnimi n poglobljenim obsegom delovanja, zato, da smo pokazali kako obširno je področje zadovoljstva njihovih odjemalcev. Na koncu so podani rezultati, raziskave zadovoljstva, med odjemalci Zavoda UMI, ki je pokazala, da je večina pričakovanj njihovih odjemalcev izpolnjenih in zadovoljstvo dosega visoko izmerjeno stopnjo. Diploma is researching the field of satisfaction measurement of educational services customers of Univerzum Minerva. On a scientific literature base, the keys of importance of services and satisfaction at educational services are explained. In the same way is explained a educational services quality, as scientific literature from the quality assurance of higher education was taken in consideration, for this matter. The concept of satisfaction and satisfaction as instrument for success measurement were stressed out. a few was of graphical exhibition of satisfaction were presented as well as few models that are used for measuring of satisfaction. As it is keen to face some challenges when measuring satisfaction, few of those are explained. Furthermore we presented the Univerzum Minerva and their large scale of educational devices that they provide, as a proof of variety and depth of field of customers that are the matter of interest. The results of research among their customers showed, that majority of their expectation were met and the degree of their satisfaction were remarkably high.
Databáze: OpenAIRE