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Osrednji namen magistrskega dela je, da se metodo debate preuči kot sodoben pristop k učenju in poučevanju. Podrobneje smo raziskali, kako metoda debate vpliva na razvijanje višjih kognitivnih ciljev, na aktivnost in motivacijo dijakov in dijakinj pri pouku sociologije v srednji šoli. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili dosedanje teoretične izsledke o debati kot metodi sodobnega načina poučevanja in učenja. Analizirali smo učne cilje in didaktična priporočila pri predmetu sociologija v okviru gimnazijskega izobraževanja. Našteli smo primere uvajalnih debatnih metod in debatnih formatov, primernih za uporabo pri pouku sociologije. Izhodišče za naše raziskovanje je bila študija primera, ki smo jo izvedli na II. gimnaziji Maribor. V ta namen smo načrtovali in izvedli učni proces sociologije s pomočjo metode debate. Izvedena raziskava temelji na metodi sistematičnega opazovanja dijakov, ki so bili v vlogi poslušalcev oz. v vlogi debaterjev, metodi anketiranja in intervjuja s profesorico sociologije. S primerjavo rezultatov smo ugotovili, da deluje metoda debate na dijake in dijakinje motivacijsko in da povečuje njihovo učno aktivnost. Debata omogoča, da razvijajo znanja in spretnosti na višjih taksonomskih ravneh po Bloomovi in Marzanovi taksonomiji. The main purpose of the paper is to present a method of debate as a modern approach to teaching and educating. We researched the influence of this method in detail in terms of developing cognitive goals, activities and the motivation of students with the subject of sociology in high school. In the theoretical part we presented the current theoretical results on debate as a method of modern teaching and learning. We analysed study goals and didactic reports of the sociology subject in the frame of high school education. We presented examples of debate introductory methods and debate formats appropriate for the study of sociology. The starting point for the research was based on a study of an example that took place at the II. High School Maribor. With this purpose we planned and executed a learning process of sociology with the help of the debate method. The said research included the method of systematic student observation. The students were given roles of speakers and roles of listeners. We also used the question poll method and interview with the sociology teacher. Based on the results we discovered that the debate method has a motivational effect on the students and increases their learning productivity. The debate enables them to develop knowledge and skills on a higher taxonomy level according to Bloom’s and Marzano’s taxonomy. |