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Čas, v katerem živimo, nas vsakodnevno spodbuja k skupnemu delu. Skupnemu delu pa lahko rečemo tudi oskrbna veriga. Oskrbna veriga predstavlja več medsebojno povezanih členov, ki se neprestano dopolnjujejo. Prav tako podpira več vrst tokov in sicer materialni tok, informacijski tok, finančni tok in pretok znanja. Poštni promet je ena izmed posebnih vej prenosa poštnih pošiljk in drugih storitev za vse uporabnike poštnih storitev. V poštnem prometu ima oskrbna veriga več členov in sicer: sprejem, usmerjanje, prevoz in vročitev poštnih pošiljk. Da lahko vsi členi med seboj delujejo nemoteno, je potrebna ustrezna informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija. Sprejem poštnih pošiljk na poštnih enotah večkrat predstavlja problem, kajti tehnologija, ki jo uporabljajo za sprejem, je nepopolna ali zastarela. Tehnologijo bi bilo potrebno posodobiti, saj bi s tem omogočili boljše, lažje in hitrejše delovanje oskrbne verige. The time we are living in encourages us daily to work hand in hand. Furthermore, this kind of work could be called the supply chain. The supply chain represents several mutually related parts, which constantly complement one another. Moreover, several flows are supported, e.g. material flow, information flow, financial flow and knowledge flow. The postal traffic is one of the special branches in the transmission of postal items and other services for all users of postal services. Additionally, in the postal traffic the supply chain consists of several parts, i.e. clearance, handling, transport and delivery of postal items. However, a suitable information and communication technology is required for the smooth functioning of all these parts. The clearance of postal items at postal units frequently poses a problem as the technology used for the clearance is incomplete or out-of-date. In conclusion, the technology should be modernised and hereby a better, easier and faster working of the supply chain would be enabled. |