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Dandanes želi človek držati vse niti v svojih rokah, vendar pa mu narava tega ne dopušča, saj deluje po lastnih načelih, ki jih ljudje (še) nismo sposobni v celoti razvozlati. Ekstremni vremenski pojavi in s tem povezane naravne (in druge) nesreče nas vedno znova presenetijo. Glede na to, da jih ne moremo napovedati, se je na tem mestu smiselno vprašati, kako se na nesreče čim bolje pripraviti in kako v primeru le-teh ukrepati, da bodo njihove posledice čim manjše. V magistrskem delu smo tako s teoretičnega kot tudi praktičnega vidika raziskali, kakšna je vloga Slovenske vojske in Civilne zaščite v sistemu varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami. V prvem delu naloge smo v sklopu teoretičnih osnov predstavili nacionalno varnost Republike Slovenije, sistem varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami, vpetost Slovenske vojske in Civilne zaščite v ta sistem, proučili smo zakonodajo obravnavanega področja ... V empiričnem delu pa smo predstavili primer sodelovanja SV in CZ v naravni nesreči ŽLED 2014. Osredotočili smo se na žled v Zgornji Savinjski dolini in s pomočjo intervjujev sodelujočih pri odpravi posledic nesreče prikazali delovanje in sodelovanje SV in CZ na konkretnem primeru. V zadnjem delu naloge smo opozorili na nekatere pomanjkljivosti in predlagali rešitve za boljše sodelovanje v prihodnosti. Nowadays man wants to have everyting under control, yet the nature has its own plans and works by its own principles which man still is not capable to completely understand and resolve. Extreme weather and natural (and other) disasters seem to surprise us everytime. Since they cannot be predicted, it is reasonable to ask ourselves how to prepare for such disasters and what measures to take for their consequences to be as minimal as possible. In the master thesis we have theoretically and empirically researched the roles of Slovenian Armed Forces and Civil Protection Service in protection against natural and other disasters. The first, theoretical, part of the thesis presents the national security of the Republic of Slovenia, the system of protection against natural and other disasters, the roles of Slovenian Armed Forces and Civil Protection Service in this system, and the legislation from this field. The empirical part of the thesis presents a case study of cooperation between Slovenian Armed Forces and Civil Protection Service in the natural disaster SLEET 2014. We have focused on sleet in the Upper Savinja Valley and showed the work and collaboration of SAF and CPS on an actual example, by interviewing those who participated in elimination of consequences of the disaster. In the last part of the thesis, we have pointed out some flaws and made some suggestions for a better cooperation in the future. |