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To diplomsko delo je namenjeno vsem gradbenikom na tako zahtevnih objektih kot je AC. V diplomski nalogi bom se seznanil z delom geodeta, z njihovimi nalogami, dolžnostmi sodelovanja z izvajalcem, geomehaniko in nadzornim. Predstavil bom AC odsek Draženci-Gruškovje, naloge geodezije, geomehanike, predstavil instrumente ter geotehnične preizkuse. Na kratko bom predstavil stabilizacijo voznega pasu. Izvedba AC ni tako zahtevna z gradbenega vidika, kot z logističnega, saj gosto naseljene vasi ob regionalki in pa povečan promet v poletni turistični sezoni, zelo otežujejo dela. This study is intended for all builders in the most demanding installations where AC. The closer I am to present the work of surveyors their task the duty to cooperate with operators and geomechanics control. Presentation of the motorway section Draženci - Gruškovje, the tasks of geodesy, geomechanics, presentation tools, geotechnical tests. I will briefly present the stabilization lane. Version AC is not so demanding from a construction point of view of logistics as densely populated village at regionalka and could increase in traffic during the summer tourist season very difficult to work. |