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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Možnosti izvajanja športnih dejavnosti v ptujskih vrtcih je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili cilje gibalne/športne vzgoje v vrtcu, vlogo vzgojitelja pri razvijanju gibalnih kompetenc otroka, pomen športnih dejavnosti za gibalni razvoj otroka, normative za izvajanje gibalnih dejavnosti v vrtcu, možnosti za izvajanje športnih dejavnosti v ptujskih vrtcih in športne dejavnosti v enotah Vrtca Ptuj. Empirični del zajema ugotovitve raziskave, pridobljene z anketo. Anketiranih je bilo 37 vzgojiteljic Vrtca Ptuj. Namen diplomske naloge je preučiti možnosti za izvajanje športnih dejavnosti v ptujskih vrtcih. Ugotovili smo, da vzgojiteljice največ gibalnih dejavnosti izvajajo v igralnici, da imajo travnate in asfaltne površine s primernimi igrali ter dobro opremljenost s športnimi pripomočki da se vzgojiteljice s srednjo izobrazbo ne udeležujejo toliko strokovnih seminarjev, povezanih z gibalno/športnim področjem, kakor vzgojitelice z visoko in višjo izobrazbo večina anketiranih vzgojiteljic ni aktivna na športnem področju izven vrtca največ vzgojiteljic brez naziva občasno spremlja strokovno literaturo s področja gibanja/športa večina vzgojiteljic se občasno vključuje v različne projekte, povezane z gibalno/športnim področjem. Diploma paper The Possibilities for the Implementation of Sports Activities in Ptuj Kindergartens consists of two parts: theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part describes the following: the goals of physical education in kindergartens, the role of kindergarten teachers in the development of the child’s bodily-kinesthetic competences, the importance of sports activities for the development of the child’s mobility, normative for the implementation of sports activities in kindergartens, the possibilities for the implementation of sports activities in Ptuj kindergartens and sports activities in the Ptuj Kindergarten work units. The empirical part represents the findings of the questionnaire-based research. 37 kindergarten teachers from Ptuj Kindergarten took part in the research. The purpose of the diploma paper was to study the possibilities for the implementation of sports activities in Ptuj kindergartens. We established the following: firstly, the kindergarten teachers carry out most of the sports activities in the games room secondly, the kindergartens have grassy and asphalt surfaces with appropriate playthings and are well equipped with sports devices thirdly, the kindergarten teachers with secondary education do not attend so many professional seminars on the topic of sports as those with upper secondary or higher education. In addition to this, the majority of kindergarten teachers who took place in the research are not sport active outside their job, the majority of kindergarten teachers without education titles sometimes reads professional literature on the topic of sports, the majority of kindergarten teachers sometimes also takes part in different projects on the topic of sports. |