financing of services of general economic interest

Autor: Brezovar, Agata
Přispěvatelé: Ferčič, Aleš
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Zagotovitev konkurenčnega okolja je bistvena za izboljšanje življenjskih razmer v Evropski uniji. Kot eden izmed večnih problemov na tem področju se pojavlja prav vprašanje, kdaj se javni ukrep financiranja ne šteje kot gospodarska korist oziroma državna pomoč po členu 107 (1) Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije, ampak kot golo nadomestilo za ustrezno izpolnjevanje obveznosti javne službe, kar je tudi osrednja tema diplomskega dela. Državne pomoči so po členu 107 (1) PDEU zaradi možnosti, da bodo izkrivile konkurenco na notranjem trgu, načeloma prepovedane, če so njihovi učinki pozitivni, za kar obstajajo določene izjeme v pravu EU, pa so lahko tudi dovoljene. To ima prav poseben pomen na področju storitev splošnega gospodarskega pomena (SSGP), ki so nujne za zadovoljevanje javnih potreb. Službe oziroma storitve splošnega gospodarskega pomena so institut prava EU in pomenijo okvir, pri izpolnjevanju katerega imajo države članice EU dokaj proste roke, ne smejo pa preko njihovih meja. To pomeni, da morajo ustrezati pogojem in omejitvam, ki jih določa pravo EU. Zato se je treba pri organiziranju in izvajanju gospodarskih javnih služb, vključno z njihovim so(financiranjem) iz javnih sredstev, podrediti pravilom o državnih pomočeh. Javno financiranje v kontekstu pravil EU o državnih pomočeh je bilo vseskozi sporno področje, kar je bila posledica okoliščine, da sta Sodišče EU in Evropska komisija brez dovolj jasne argumentacije izmenično uporabljala koncept kompenzacije in koncept bruto državnih pomoči. Pomembna prelomnica se je zgodila z določitvijo štirih pogojev testa Altmark , ki pa ni dovolj podrobno določil njihove vsebine, zato so nastajale različne interpretacije teh pogojev. Zaradi vseh nejasnosti je bilo to problematiko treba konkretizirati, kar se je zgodilo pred kratkih, ko so bili sprejeti štirje novi instrumenti, imenovani tudi kot sveženj SSGP II ti, so odpravili nekatera odprta vprašanja in s tem pomagali pri odgovoru na osrednje vprašanje diplomskega dela, ki se glasi, kdaj pri financiranju SSGP nadomestilo ne pomeni državne pomoči in je zato izvzeto iz obveznosti priglasitve in kdaj le-to pomeni državno pomoč. Creating of competitive environment is essential for achieving the better living conditions in the European Union. One of the important problems in the field concerns the measure of public financing and question when this measure do not represent economic benefits or state aid according to article 107 (1) TFEU, but only the compensation for proper completion of public service obligations. This is also the main research problem of this undergraduate dissertation. According to article 107 (1) TFEU the state aids are prohibited since they could distort the competitiveness. Only if their effects are in some way positive, for which there are some exceptions in EU legislation, they could be granted. This has significant meaning in the field of services of general economic interest, which are necessary for satisfaction of public needs. Services of general economic interest are an EU legislation institute and can be formed relatively free by the EU member states when their jurisdiction is not exceeded. This means that EU members have to be bound to terms and restrictions of EU legislation. Therefore organizing and implementing policies in economic public services together with their financing from public funds must be subordinated to the legislation of state aids. Concerning the EU rules for state aids, public financing always was a disputable area. This results from the fact that EU Court of Justice and European Commission used the concepts of compensation and gross state aid interchangeable and without the clear argumentation. The important breaking point was setting of four measures in the scope of Altmark test. However Altmark test did not clearly defined the content, which led to different misinterpretation of measures. Because of such unclearness’s the problems needed to be further addressed and that happened recently when four new instruments named as services of general economic interest II were introduced. These instruments decreased several problems in the field and helped to address the main research question of this undergraduate dissertation, namely in which case financing of services of general economic interest is or is not state aid and it is therefore not obligatory for notification
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