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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vpliv gibalnih znanj na gibalne sposobnosti otrok je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene gibalne sposobnosti in gibalna znanja otrok, vpliv staršev na ustvarjanje gibalnih znanj otrok in pomen, ki ga imajo gibalne dejavnosti za ustvarjanje gibalnih kompetenc. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela so prikazani rezultati motoričnih testov na vzorcu 38 otrok, starih pet let, in rezultati anketnega vprašalnika njihovih staršev. Rezultati motoričnih testov so pokazali, da so dečki dosegli boljše rezultate od deklic, starejši otroci so bili uspešnejši od mlajših otrok, otroci z višjim indeksom telesne mase (ITM) so dosegli boljše rezultate od otrok z nižjim indeksom telesne mase (ITM) in da gibalna znanja pozitivno vplivajo na gibalne sposobnosti otrok. Rezultati anketnega vprašalnika so pokazali, da se mlajši starši več ukvarjajo s športom skupaj z otrokom kot starejši starši, otroci staršev, ki so bili kot otroci tudi sami športno aktivni, so bili bolj športno aktivni kot otroci, katerih starši se kot otroci niso ukvarjali s športom. The diploma thesis with the title The Influence of Movement Skills on Children’s Movement Abilities consists of the theoretical and empirical part. Children’s movement abilities and movement skills are presented in the theoretical part together with the parental influence on the creation of children’s movement skills as well as the significance of movement activities for the creation of movement competence. The results of motor ability tests based on a sample of 38 children, aged five, and the results of a questionnaire for their parents, are presented in the empirical part of the diploma thesis. The results of motor ability tests have shown that boys achieved better results than girls, that older children were more successful than younger ones, that children with higher body mass index (BMI) achieved better results than children with lower body mass index (BMI) and that movement skills have positive impact on children’s movement abilities. The results of the questionnaire have shown that younger parents do sports with their children more often than older parents, and that children of those parents, who were actively involved in sports in their childhood, do sports more often than children whose parents were not actively involved in sports. |