Use of gamification in teaching computer science

Autor: Robič, Dominik
Přispěvatelé: Pesek, Igor
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Igre, ena najstarejših oblik socialne interakcije človeka [1], so del našega vsakdana. Namenjene so predvsem zabavi v prostem času, a se pogosto zgodi, da se ob njih tudi marsikaj naučimo. Uporaba iger v poučevanju ni nič novega, saj igre zelo dobro motivirajo učence k sodelovanju in razmišljanju [2]. Velikokrat pa uporaba igre pri poučevanju izgubi namen učila in ostane le igra [3]. Da bi se temu izognili, moramo razumeti pojem igra in zakaj igre motivirajo učence. Igra je sistem, v katerem je igralec vključen v abstraktni izziv, definiran s pravili, interaktivnostjo in povratno informacijo, ki vodi do kvantitativnih rezultatov, ki pogosto privedejo do emocionalnega učinka [5]. Že iz definicije lahko zasledimo osnovne elemente igre, ki so: sistem, igralec, abstrakcija, izziv, pravila, povratna informacija, kvantitativni rezultat in emocionalni odziv. Pomembno je, kako so elementi v praktičnem primeru povezani med seboj. Igralec dobi zanimanje za igro zaradi takojšnje povratne informacije in interakcije, ki sta povezani z izzivom igre. Izziv je definiran s pravili znotraj sistema, da vzbuja čustvene odzive, ki so povezani s kvantitativnim rezultatom, ki je abstraktno prikazan znotraj večjega sistema. Vidimo, da gre za elemente, ki vzpodbujajo igralca k razmišljanju. Zanima nas, kako bi lahko te elemente uporabili pri poučevanju, kar nas privede do pojma igrifikacija. Igrifikacija pomeni uporabo načinov razmišljanja v igri, mehanike iger in estetike iger z namenom vključitve in motivacije ljudi k učenju in reševanju problemov. Pomembni elementi igrifikacije so torej igra, mehanika iger, estetika iger, načini razmišljanja v igri, vključitev ljudi, motivacija, učenje in reševanje problemov [8]. Če želimo doseči efektivno igrifikacijo pouka, morajo biti mehanika, dinamika in estetika igre ves čas v medsebojni interakciji. To zelo dobro razloži MDE okvir [10]. Mehanika igre so metode, ustvarjene za interakcijo s stanjem igre, ki jih prožijo agenti [12]. Dinamika igre opisuje proces vpliva mehanike igre na igralca v času, ko je ta v interakciji z mehaniko in v času po interakciji z mehaniko igre [10]. Dinamika igre sproži emocionalne odzive pri igralcu, kar nas privede do estetike igre [6]. Za boljše razumevanje estetike igre, ki se pojavlja pri uporabi igrifikacije, je potrebno razumeti behavioristične modele in motivacijo [9]. Šele ko razumemo te pojme, lahko igrifikacijo vključimo v pouk računalništva. Na spletu lahko zasledimo veliko aplikacij in iger, ki omogočajo igrifikacijo pouka računalništva. Med njimi sta tudi ClassDojo in Minecraft Education Edition. Za igrifikacijo pa ni vedno potrebna uporaba tehnologije. Igrifikacijo lahko vključimo v pouk tudi tako, da sami izdelamo elemente, pri čemer je potrebno upoštevati vse ključne elemente igrifikacije [39]. Games are one of the oldest forms of human social interaction [1] and are part of our everyday lives. They are primarily intended for entertainment but it often happen that we also learn something new while playing games. Using games in teaching is nothing new, since games motivate students in classroom participation and reflection [2]. Often games used in teaching lose the purpose of teaching and their purpose remains only for entertainment. [3] To avoid this we must understand the concept of game and why games motivate learners. The game is a system where player is involved in the abstract challenge defined by the rules of interaction and feedback that leads to quantitative results, which often lead to emotional reaction [5]. Definition can be traced to the basic elements of the game: system, player, abstraction, challenge, rules, feedback, quantitative results, ane emotional response. In practical case elements are related to each other. The player gets interest in the game due to immediate feedback and interaction that are associated with the challenge of the game. The challenge is defined by rules within the system that triggers emotional responses associated with quantitative results, which appear in the abstract within a larger system. We see that those elements encourage players to think. We are interested in how these elements could be used in teaching, which leads us to the concept of gamification. Gamification means using ways of thinking in the game, game mechanics and aesthetics of games to include and motivate people to learn and solve problems. Important elements of gamification, therefore plays, game mechanics, aesthetics, ways of thinking in the game, the integration of people, motivation, learning and problem solving [8]. In order to achieve effective gamification in classroom, mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics of the game must be in constant interaction. This very well explained in MDA framework [10]. Game mechanics are methods created to interact with the state of the game, actuated by the agents [12], dynamics of the game describes the process how game mechanics impacts on player at the time when the player interacts with the mechanics and after tinteraction with the game mechanics [10]. The dynamics of the game triggers emotional responses in the player, which brings us to the aesthetics of the game. [6] For a better understanding of the aesthetics of the game it is necessary to understand the behavioristic models and motivation [9]. When we understand these concepts, we can bring gamification in computer science classes. On the internet, we can trace many applications and games that can be used for gamification of computer science classes. These include ClassDojo and Minecraft Education Edition. For well used gamification in classroom it is not always necessary to use the technology. Gamification can be incorporated into the lessons with elements that we make ourselves but it is necessary to take into account all the key elements of gamification [39].
Databáze: OpenAIRE