Process of selecting the best supplier

Autor: Plohl, Anja
Přispěvatelé: Kramar, Uroš
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Celje
Popis: Postopek izbire najugodnejšega dobavitelja V tem diplomskem delu se bomo ukvarjali z izbiro najugodnejšega dobavitelja v izbranem podjetju. Izbrano podjetje se ukvarja s predelovanjem kovin, zaradi katerega pa potrebuje dobavitelje za različne stvari za uspešno proizvodnjo. Ukvarjali se bomo samo s tremi, za njih najpomembnejšimi dobavitelji. Pri dobaviteljih bomo analizirali najpomembnejše kriterije to so čas dobave, tehnološko zmogljivost dobavitelja, potek reševanja reklamacij, kakovost, cena in plačilne pogoje. Za analizo anketnega vprašalnika smo uporabili postopek AHP modela. V prvem delu diplomske naloge smo s pomočjo izbrane literature povedali nekaj teoretičnih osnov o nabavi in kriterijih za izbiro dobavitelja. V nadaljevanju smo govorili o različnih odločitvenih modelih. Mi smo izbrali večkriterijski odločitveni model AHP model. V raziskovalnem delu smo s pomočjo računskega postopka po Kunzu dobili rezultate in ugotovili, kateri dobavitelj je najugodnejši. Process of selecting the best supplier In this work the choice of the most affordable supplier for the chosen company is considered. The chosen company works on processing metals, for which it needs supplies from different suppliers, so that the production runs successfully. Only three most important suppliers for the company are considered. The most important criteria, which the suppliers must meet, are analized. The criteria include time of delivery, technological capabilities of the supplier, reclamation solving process, quality, price and payment conditions. A survey has been made, where the process of the AHP model has been used to analyze it. With the help of chosen literature, theoretical basics about purchase and supplier choice criteria are described in the first part of this work. Discussion about different choice models follows. For the purpose of this research the multi-criteria AHP choice model has been chosen. In the research part the results were obtained using the Kunz calculation, which concluded which supplier is more affordable.
Databáze: OpenAIRE