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Vse pogostejši je pojav alergij na hrano, zato smo preučili ali obstaja povezava zdravih prehranjevalnih navad na razširjenost te alergije med študenti. Raziskava temelji na anketnem vprašalniku o njihovih prehranjevalnih navadah, telesni aktivnosti, njihovem poznavanju označb na živilih ter izbiri bolj zdravih živil. Vprašalnik je zajemal tudi vprašanja o njihovem znanju o alergijah na hrano in razširjenosti alergij med njimi in v njihovi družini. Preučili smo razlike med študenti FKBV in MF, razlike v spolu in kraju bivanja, razlike med študenti, z in brez alergij ter razlike pri študentih z alergijo na hrano. Ugotavljamo, da je med vsemi (156) anketiranci 37 alergikov od tega jih je 9 alergičnih na hrano. V družinah 68 študentov (43,6 %) je prisotna neka alergija od tega je v družinah 23-ih študentov (14,7 %) prisotna alergija na hrano. V okvirju prehranjevalnih navad ugotavljamo, da večina študentov obeduje 3-krat dnevno (50,6 % ) ali 4-krat dnevno (34,6 % ). Pomembni ugotovitvi sta še, da študentje v poprečju zajtrkujejo 5-krat tedensko in večina, 101 (64,7 % ), jih za žejo pije vodo. Najpogostejša izbira je voda iz pipe (91,7 % ) in voda v plastenkah (4,5 % ). Z naše raziskave je tako vidnih nekaj navad študentov, ki lahko pripomorejo k razširjenosti ali preprečijo razvoj alergij na hrano. Recently, rise up frequent of food allergies occurrence, so we examined whether there is a relationship by healthy eating habits in the prevalence of allergies among students. The study is based on a survey questionnaire about their eating habits, physical activity, their knowledge of food labels and choosing healthier foods. The questionnaire also included questions about their knowledge on food allergies and allergy prevalence between them and their family. We examined differences between students FKBV and MF, differences in gender and place of residence, the differences between students with and without allergies as well as differences in students with food allergies. We find out from all (156) respondents, 37 have allergies and 9 have allergy to food. In the families of 68 students (43.6 %) is present an allergy of which is in families of 23 students (17.4 %) present a food allergy. Research of eating habits show us, that most of the students have a meal three times a day (50.6 %) or four times a day (34.6 %). Significant findings were also that students, on average, eat breakfast 5 times a week, and the majority, 101 (64.7 %), thirst for drinking water. The most common choice is a tap water (91.7 %) and water in plastic bottles (4.5 %). With our research are so visible a few habits of students that contribute to the prevalence of food allergies. |