Autor: Šubic, Matej
Přispěvatelé: Eman, Katja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: V Sloveniji se srečujemo s številnimi oblikami odklonskosti zoper okolje. Občini Škofja Loka predstavljata grožnjo predvsem industrija in promet, ki sta tudi medijsko bolj izpostavljena. Negativne spremembe v okolju znižujejo kakovost življenja, vplivajo na strah, občutek ogroženosti in zdravje ljudi. Lahko se začnejo pojavljati psihične in fizične težave, ki lahko vodijo do resnih zdravstvenih okvar in celo smrti. Pri tem je pomembno, da so ljudje o negativnih spremembah v okolju čim bolje obveščeni. Nekateri občani Škofje Loke se počutijo ogrožene in izražajo nezadovoljstvo predvsem zaradi podjetja za izdelavo izolacijskih materialov. S tem namenom so bili preučeni občutki ogroženosti prebivalcev Škofje Loke v primerjavi s celotno Slovenijo. Študija o občutkih ogroženosti prebivalcev Škofje Loke zaradi negativnih sprememb v okolju je bila izvedena z metodo anketiranja. Nekateri rezultati so bili primerjani z rezultati raziskave slovenskega javnega mnenja. Z raziskavo o občutkih ogroženosti prebivalcev Škofje Loke zaradi negativnih sprememb v okolju sem ugotovil, da se občani Občine Škofja Loka ne počutijo dovolj obveščene glede negativnih sprememb v okolju, toda se počutijo dovolj varne v primeru večje ekološke nesreče. Ugotovil sem tudi, da na občutek ogroženosti izmed naštetih dejavnikov onesnaženosti zraka, vode, prsti ali hrupa najbolj vpliva onesnažen zrak. S primerjavo rezultatov raziskave o občutku ogroženosti prebivalcev Škofje Loke zaradi negativnih sprememb v okolju z raziskavo SJM sem ugotovil, da se ženske v Občini Škofja Loka ter na splošno v Sloveniji zaradi onesnaženosti zraka, vode in hrupa ne počutijo bolj ogrožene kot moški. S primerjavo rezultatov sem ugotovil tudi, da so občani Občine Škofja Loka mnenja, da imajo vpliv pri odpravljanju negativnih sprememb v okolju, ljudje v Sloveniji pa na splošno menijo, da nimajo vpliva pri odpravljanju negativnih sprememb v okolju. Država in občina morata v prihodnje skrbeti za ukrepe, ki bodo zmanjševali negativne spremembe v okolju. Pri tem bi morali upoštevati tudi mnenja raziskovalcev in javnosti. Morali bi več obveščati javnost o stanju okolja, posledicah negativnih sprememb v okolju ter skrbeti, da bi ljudje okolje spoštovali. We face many forms of deviations against the environment in Slovenia. Especially industry and transport are presented as a threat to the municipality of Škofja Loka, and are also more exposed in the media. Negative environmental changes are reducing the quality of life, influence the level of fear people live in and their feeling of insecurity. They also influence human health. Psychological and physical problems can also appear and those problems can lead to serious health problems, even death. It is important that people are well-informed about the negative environmental changes. Some residents of municipality of Škofja Loka feel insecure and express dissatisfaction mainly because of the company which manufactures insulation materials. This is why the level of insecurity the residents of Škofja Loka feel is compared to the level of insecurity of the citizens of the entire Slovenia. The study about Residents of Škofja Loka and their feelings of insecurity regarding the negative environmental changes was carried out by a survey method. Some of the results were compared to the results of the survey about Slovenian public opinion. The survey about the Residents of Škofja Loka and their feelings of insecurity regarding the negative environmental changes showed that the residents of the municipality of Škofja Loka do not feel sufficiently informed about the negative environmental changes, but they feel secure enough in case of a major ecological disaster. I have also found out that among the already stated factors, pollution of the air, water, soil or noise, the air pollution influences the feeling of insecurity the most. By comparing the results of the research about Residents of Škofja Loka and their feelings of insecurity regarding negative environmental changes to the results of the survey about Slovenian public opinion, I have found out that women in the municipality of Škofja Loka and also in the entire Slovenia do not feel more insecure than men regarding the air pollution, water pollution and noise. By comparing the before mentioned results, I have also found out that the residents of the municipality of Škofja Loka think that they can influence the reduction of the negative environmental changes, while in general, the citizens of Slovenia believe that they cannot influence the reduction of the negative environmental changes. In future, the country and the municipality will have to take care of certain measures which will reduce the negative environmental changes. The opinion of researchers and the public should also be taken into consideration. The public should be better informed about the state of the environment and the consequences of negative environmental changes. Moreover, people should respect the environment more.
Databáze: OpenAIRE