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Diplomsko delo je teoretično in je razdeljeno na dva dela. Prvi del se posveča skladatelju Josipu Štolcerju-Slavenskemu, njegovemu življenju in ustvarjanju ter kraju, iz katerega izhaja, in posebnostim ljudske pesmi v Međimurju. V drugem delu harmonsko analiziram izbrane skladbe skladatelja Štolcerja-Slavenskega in tudi sam harmoniziram tri međimurske ljudske pesmi. Skladbe za analizo so iz zbirke Pjesme moje majke. Izbral sem jih po nasvetu mentorja, red. prof. mag. Tomaža Sveteta, ljudske pesmi Klinček stoji pod oblokom, Vehni, vehni fijolica in Grad se beli, ki jih harmoniziram, pa sem izbral sam. Metodološko je diplomsko delo zasnovano na načelu iskanja arhivskih virov o življenju skladatelja Josipa Štolcerja-Slavenskega, ter primerjave arhivskih virov in doslej opravljenih raziskav, torej analize obstoječega poznavanja skladateljevega življenja in dela. The thesis is theoretic and divided into two parts. The first part is devoted to the composer Josip Štolcer Slavenski, his life and creation, the place of his origin and the specifics of folk songs from Međimurje. In the second part I harmonically analyze the chosen songs of the composer Štolcer Slavenski and personally harmonize three folk songs from Međimurje. The songs for the analysis are from the collection Pjesme moje majke. I chose them, following an advice of my mentor, prof. mag. Tomaž Svete, and the folk songs that I harmonize: Klinček stoji pod oblokom, Vehni, vehni fijolica in Grad se beli, I have chosen on my own. Methodologically, the thesis is based on the principle of finding archive sources on the life of composer Josip Štolcer Slavenski and the comparison of archive sources and so far conducted researches, thus the analysis of the existing knowledge on the composer’s life and work. |