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V diplomskem delu je predstavljena supervizija, ter supervizijski proces. Opisani so nekateri dejavniki, ki povzročajo potrebo po pomoči ter spreminjanju načina poklicnega delovanja. Člani negovalnega tima so podvrženi vsakodnevnemu stresu in pritiskom, zato je velikega pomena, da imajo znanje, ki jim pripomore k razreševanju različnih situacij.Uporabljena je deskriptivna metoda dela. Teoretična izhodišča smo predstavili s pomočjo študija domače in tuje literature. V empiričnem delu smo uporabili kvantitativno metodo dela. Kot raziskovalni dokument za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik. Dobljene podatke smo statistično obdelali s pomočjo računalniškega programa Microsoft Excel, ter jih ponazorili v obliki grafov. S pomočjo diplomskega dela smo ugotovili, da se člani negovalnega tima v zdravstvenem domu srečujejo s konfliktnimi situacijami, polovica anketiranih (52 %) je navedla razlog zaradi preobremenjenosti, velika večina (72 %) jih pomoč poišče pri nadrejenemu. Člani negovalnega tima se dokaj pogosto srečujejo s konflikti na delovnem mestu tako s pacienti kot tudi v samem delovnem timu. Tukaj pride na vrsto pogovor, ki je še kako pomemben, da posameznik deli izkušnjo ter mnenje, ki mu pomaga h razumnemu ravnanju. This thesis presents the supervision and supervision process. The work also describes some of the factors that cause the need for assistance and changing the way of the professional practice. The members of the nursing team are subjected to everyday stress and pressure, so having the knowledge how to help solve a variety of situations is extremely important.The work uses the descriptive method, theoretical background was presented with the help of a study of domestic and foreign literature. In the empirical part quantitative method was used. As a research document for data collection we used questionnaires. The obtained data were statistically analysed using the computer program Microsoft Excel and are illustrated in the form of graphs. With the help of the thesis we found that the members of the nursing team in the health centre faced with conflict situations, half of those surveyed (52 %) stated the reason was work overload, the vast majority (72 %) of them seek help with a supervisor. The members of the nursing team are quite often faced with conflicts at the workplace with patients as well as in the work team. Conversation, which is very important for each individual to share their experience and opinion, which helps to rationalise behaviour is a most often used method. |