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Da so organizacije konkurenčne, morajo dostaviti izdelke in izvajati storitve najvišje kakovosti, in sicer čim hitreje in po najboljši možni ceni. Nabor poslovnih procesov, ki je znan kot celovita informacijska rešitev, se je izkazal kot učinkovito orodje za doseganje teh ciljev. Celovita informacijska rešitev ponuja sredstva za učinkovito povečanje in upravljanje potrebnih virov (materiali, oprema, orodja, delo, denar itd.). Za vsakega izmed teh virov lahko celovita informacijska rešitev ugotovi, kaj je potrebno, če je potrebno in koliko je potrebno, zaradi česar je delovanje organizacije učinkovito in uspešno. Sistemi celovitih informacijskih rešitev spreminjajo način organizacije v smislu njenega poslovanja in delovanja. Sistemi poslovne inteligence so lahko zasnovani tako, da so točni in pravočasni podatki deljeni med funkcijska področja. Ti sistemi se tako imenujejo integrirani sistemi poslovne inteligence. Potreben je torej sistem, ki obravnava organizacijo kot enotno entiteto in skrbi za informacijske potrebe celotne organizacije. Če je to mogoče in če je informacija, ki je generirana, točna, pravočasna in ustrezna, potem so ti sistemi v veliki meri v pomoč organizaciji za uresničitev vseh poslovnih ciljev. V magistrski nalogi predstavljamo programsko platformo Crystal Reports 11 za izdelavo izpisov. Predmet obdelave so koncepti in funkcije Crystal Reports. Predstavljen je tudi pogled na orodje in integracija orodja v namiznih aplikacijah, pa tudi v spletnih aplikacijah. Kot primer celovite informacijske rešitve predstavimo Epicor iScala z vsemi prednostmi posameznih modulov. V zaključku je prikazan primer povezave celovite informacijske rešitve s pripomočkom za poslovno poročanje, ki strne razumevanje in konkretno uporabnost vsebine proučevanja. Organisations that are trying to be competitive on the market have to provide competitive products and the quality services as quickly as possible and at affordable price. A set of business processes, known as the comprehensive IT solution, has proven to be an effective tool for achieving all these aims. The comprehensive information solution effectively provides the means to increase and manage these resources (materials, equipment, tools, work, money, etc.). The comprehensive IT solution can determine what is required, if it is required and how much of it is required. All this makes the activities of the organisation effective and efficient. The systems integrated information solutions change the activities of organisation in terms of its business and operations. The business intelligence systems can be designed to give accurate and timely information shared between functional areas. These systems are also called integrated systems of business intelligence. We established that a system is needed which deals with the organisation as a single entity and is responsible for the information needed by the entire organisation. If possible and if the information that is generated is accurate, timely and relevant, then these systems can help the organisation achieve all business goals. In this paper, the Crystal Reports 11 software platform for making prints is presented. The object of the thesis is concepts and functions of the Crystal Report. The tool and its integration in desktop applications, as well as web applications are also presented. The complete comprehensive information solution, Epicor iScala, with all the advantages of the individual modules is also presented. In the conclusion, there is an example of the complete integrated information solution of business financial reports. This example sums up the understanding and practical usefulness of the case study. |