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V pričujočem magistrskem delu bo predstavljen problem zaprtja cestnega odseka. Vpliv zaprtja odseka se odraža na uporabnikih in njihovem potovanju do cilja. Opazovali bomo vzporedne ceste in glavne prometne žile v center mesta. Tako bi se morala spremeniti oblika prometnega omrežja za uporabnike, kar bi se pokazalo na induciranem prometu na vzporednih cestah v zmanjšani kapaciteti. Ugotoviti želimo obseg induciranega prometa in kako in kdaj se vzpostavi novo prometno ravnovesje po zapori odseka. Predpostavimo, da je najboljši način za spremljanje in analiziranje prometnega toka na naši lokaciji, štetje na presekih vzhod –zahod in sever –jug. Zaradi obsega raziskave in čim boljšega osredotočanja na dano hipotezo bomo šteli samo osebna vozila. In the following work »Determination of induced traffic – changes in traffic load after closing of the road section« I will present the problem of road closing on existing infrastructure. The influence of this type of closing can be seen on the users as they must adjust to the changed infrastructure. We will monitor the parallel roads and main roads into the city. We will see the induced traffic on parallel roads in smaller capacity. I want to figure out the extent of induced traffic and how and when does the new traffic regime comes into play. I assume that the best way of monitoring and analysing the traffic flow on our location, so we use counting on road sections east – west and north – south. Given the scope of research and the best possible focus on a given hypothesis, we count only cars. |