Autor: Šuštaršič, Ula
Přispěvatelé: Dvoršek, Anton
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: V diplomskem delu obravnavamo ponarejanje denarja, preiskovanje in zaščito bankovcev. Ponarejanje denarja obstaja toliko časa kot obstaja denar, gre za eno najstarejših kaznivih dejanj. Ljudje nikoli niso imeli dovolj in so vedno želeli še več. Nobena varnostna zaščita ni ovira za ponarejevalce, ki izumljajo nove, modernejše metode ponarejanja. Dostop do visoke, napredne tehnologije je mogoč že skoraj vsakomur in omogoča vedno boljše ponaredke. Skoraj imamo občutek, da so ponarejevalci vedno korak pred nami. Ponarejanje je svetovni pojav, ki se pojavlja tako v revnih kot v bogatih državah. Nihče se ne more skriti pred njim. Predstavlja svetovni problem, ki maje zaupanje ljudi v gotovinski sistem plačevanja. Podrobneje bomo opisali zaščitne znake evra in dolarja, najmočnejši svetovni denarni valuti in zato tudi najpogosteje ponarejeni. Ustrezne pristojne institucije se vsako leto bolj borijo proti ponarejanju z novimi zaščitami in visokimi kaznimi. Leta 2013 je Evropska centralna banka napovedala novo serijo evra, s povečanimi varnostnimi elementi. Preverjanje pristnosti denarja nam vzame samo nekaj sekund in sicer z metodo otip-pogled-nagib, ali s posebnimi napravami, ki jih uporabljajo v bankah in v trgovinah. Ponarejanje denarja je zavedno kriminalno dejanje. Ni storjen naključno ali ponesreči. Lahko z nevednostjo rokuješ s ponarejeno gotovino, ne moreš pa nevede ponarediti bankovec ali kovanec. In this thesis we are going to take a look at money counterfeiting, the investigation of said felony and the security features on banknotes. Money counterfeiting has been around for as long as people have been using money, and is as such one of the oldest felonies. People never had enough money and always wanted more and more. No security feature is too complicated for counterfeiters, who are always developing new and modern methods for counterfeiting money. Access to advanced technology has made it easy for counterfeiters to produce counterfeits, the quality of which keeps getting better and better. We almost have a feeling as if the counterfeiters were a step before us. Counterfeiting is a global problem, in both the richest and poorest countries. No one is safe from counterfeiting, and the felony itself lowers confidence in cash-based transactions. Later on we are going to describe the security features on both the Euro and the United States Dollar banknotes, with these two currencies currently being the strongest in the world and are as such the most counterfeited banknotes. Institutions in charge of fighting money counterfeiting are fighting counterfeiting with high fines and new security features on banknotes. In 2013 the European Central Bank commissioned a new series of banknotes called the Europa series, with updated security features, which are harder to counterfeit. The authentication of banknotes only takes a couple of seconds with the LOOK&TILT method, or with the special equipment used in banks, shops, etc. Money counterfeiting is an intentional felony as one can not counterfeit money by accident or by coincidence. One can only mistakenly be given or give away counterfeited money without knowing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE