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Čas strnjene pedagoške prakse bi moral biti namenjen kakovostnemu oblikovanju študenta-učitelja. V času strnjene pedagoške prakse študent učitelj kot praktikant, naj ne samo izvaja, temveč tudi načrtuje in ocenjuje lastno pedagoško delo. Študenta bi bilo potrebno spodbujati k samooblikovanju ciljev strnjene pedagoške prakse, saj jih s postavljanjem le teh, tudi bolj odgovorno uresničuje. Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je bil izdelati profesionaliziran model strnjene pedagoške prakse, s katerim bi pri študentih lahko dosegli tako potrebno samorefleksijo prakse in samousmerjeno spodbujanje kritičnega razmišljanja, uporabo reševanja problemov in inovativnih metod dela ter vseživljenjskega izobraževanja. Uporabljeni sta bili dve raziskovalni metodi. Deskriptivna metoda, uporabljena pri analizi strokovne literature in virov ter eksperimentalna metoda, s katero je bila opravljena analiza aktualnih gradiv strnjene pedagoške prakse na Fakulteti za naravoslovje in matematiko (samoanalize nastopov-kompetence, poročila študentov in opisne ocene mentorjev). Tako sem dobila vpogled v spoznanja o pomenu pedagoške prakse za profesionalni razvoj študentov-učiteljev, se seznanila z značilnostmi sodobnega razvoja izobraževanja učiteljev v Evropi in projektom Tuning ter potrdila predvidevanja o potrebi konkretnejših navodil kot robnemu pogoju, za uspešno izvajanje strnjene pedagoške prakse kot oblike praktičnega usposabljanja študentov- učiteljev. Time of student teaching praxis, should be intended for creation of a quality student - teacher. During the compact teaching praxis student as a teacher, should not only execute, but also plan and evaluate own teaching praxis. Students should be encouraged to develop aims of compact teaching praxis, because with the goal-setting approach, the goals will be more responsibly achieved. The main objective of this thesis was to create professionalized model of compact teaching practice, in order for students to achieve the much-needed self-reflection practices and target promotion of the use of self-directed critical thinking, problem solving, lifelong learning and the use of innovative methods. There were used two research methods. Descriptive method, which was based on the analysis of literature and sources and experimental method which was done by analyzing materials of compact student praxis on Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (self-analyzed gigs-competencies, reports of students and mentors descriptive assessment). So I got an insight into the knowledge of the importance of teaching practice for the professional development of student-teachers, I also became acquainted with the characteristics of the modern development of teacher education in Europe and with the Tuning project. I also confirmed the prediction for the need of concrete instructions as boundary conditions for the successful implementation of compact teaching practice as a form of practical training for a student-teacher. |