The impact of hydrolyzable tannins from chestnut extracts on intestinal epithelial cells of human and porcin origin

Autor: Vidmar, Neža
Přispěvatelé: Škorjanc, Dejan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali vpliv različnih koncentracij kostanjevih taninov na presnovo celic in izražanje toksičnih učinkov na epitelijske celice ter izražanje pozitivnih učinkov kostanjevih taninov na tesne celične stike med epitelijskimi celicami tankega črevesja humanega in prašičjega izvora. Za citotoksični test, test presnovne aktivnosti celic, test viabilnosti celic in funkcionalne celične 3-D modele smo uporabili prašičje enterocite CLAB in humane fetalne epitelijske celice tankega črevesja H4-1 ter hidrolizirajoče tanine iz izvlečkov kostanja, FARMATAN in FARMATAN ET 50. Pri izpostavitvi funkcionalnih celičnih 3D-modelov taninom in merjenju transepitelijske električne upornosti (TEER) smo uporabili elektrodo za merjenje električne upornosti in potenciala. V celicah, ki so bile izpostavljene višjim koncentracijam kostanjevih taninov, je prišlo do zmanjšane količine kristal vijoličnega. Pri presnovni aktivnosti celic so se pri višjih koncentracijah vrednosti absorbance v primerjavi s kontrolo znižale. Po izpostavitvi celičnih linij kostanjevemu taninu so vrednosti transepitelijske električne upornosti (TEER) glede na kontrolo naraščale. In this thesis, the effect of different concentrations of chestnut tannins on the metabolism of cells and the expression of the toxic effects on epithelial cells, and expression of the positive effects of chestnut tannins on tight junctions between epithelial cells of the small intestine of human and porcine origin was studied. For the cytotoxic test, the metabolic activity of cells, cell viability test and functional 3D cell models, porcine enterocytes CLAB and human fetal epithelial cells of the small intestine H4-1 and hydrolyzable tannin extracts of chestnut, FARMATAN and FARMATAN ET 50 were used. For the exposure of functional 3D cell models to tannins and for measuring of transepithelial resistance, electrode for measuring the electrical resistance and potential was used. When cells were exposed to higher concentrations of chestnut tannins there was a reduced amount of crystal violet. In the metabolic activity of the cells at higher concentrations, absorbance values compared with control decreased. After exposure of the cell lines to chestnut tannins values of transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) compared to the control increased.
Databáze: OpenAIRE