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V magistrskem delu Kletvice in psovke trboveljskega govora so analizirane kletvice in psovke, ki se uporabljajo v Trbovljah, katerih krajevni govor se uvršča v zagorsko-trboveljsko podnarečje posavskega narečja štajerske narečne skupine. Z raziskavo smo preverjali kletvice in psovke v trboveljskem govoru in njihovo uporabo. Ugotavljali smo izvor kletvic in psovk (s pomočjo nam dostopne literature), njihovo prehajanje v splošno rabo, morebitno izgubo negativne in pridobitev pozitivne konotacije. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali se kletvice in psovke morebiti pojavljajo tudi kot sestavina frazemov. Informatorje smo razdelili v dve skupini in preverjali medgeneracijsko uporabo kletvic in psovk. Kletvice in psovke smo uvrstili v več podskupin, pri čemer smo sledili razdelitvi Klemenčičeve (2016, 39–49), ki smo ji dodali še nekaj drugih motivov, in sicer: religiozni motiv, skatološki motiv, motiv spolnih organov, motiv spolnega odnosa, motiv homoseksualnosti, motiv matere in otroka, motiv prostitucije, motiv onaniranja, motiv živali, motiv telesnih značilnosti in hib, motiv ženske, motiv predmetov, motiv naravnih pojavov, motiv nacionalne pripadnosti in drugo. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili geografski in zgodovinski oris kraja, s katerim bomo poizkušali prikazati družbene razmere za lažje razumevanje prostora in časa, prav tako pa bomo s tem predstavili tudi današnje Trbovlje. Kletvice in psovke so v Trbovljah pogost pojav in se vsakodnevno pojavljajo kot enakovreden del trboveljskega govora. For the purpose of the present master's thesis swear and curse words used in Trbovlje have been analysed. This local speech is classified as the Zagorje-Trbovlje subdialect being a part of the Lower Sava Valley dialect, which belongs to the Styrian dialect group. During the research swear and curse words in the speech of Trbovlje and the use thereof were examined. By means of accessible literature the origin of swear and curse words, the passing over thereof into general use and an eventual loss of a negative connotation as well as getting a positive one were determined. We were also interested in the possible occurrence of swear and curse words as parts of idioms. We divided the informants into two groups and studied the intergenerational use of swear and curse words. Considering the Klemenčič (2016, 39-49) classification, swear and curse words were placed into several subgroups. The said classification was supplemented by several other motives like religious motive, scatological motive, motives in relation to genitals, sexual intercourse, homosexuality, mother and child, prostitution, masturbation, animals, physical characteristics and defects, women, objects, natural phenomena, national affiliation etc. In order to present the social circumstances for better understanding of place and time the theoretical part contains a geographical and historical description of the town and thus Trbovlje as it is today is presented as well. Swear and curse words in Trbovlje are very commonly used and are considered to be an equivalent part of the everyday speech of Trbovlje. |