Autor: Stipanič, Jernej
Přispěvatelé: Florjančič, Jože
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Kadrovska funkcija je ena izmed ključnih funkcij v podjetju, saj je od nje odvisna učinkovitost podjetja, ki vpliva na poslovno uspešnost podjetja. V sodobnih družbah narašča delež podjetij, ki delujejo v terciarnem in kvartarnem sektorju, za ta podjetja je značilno, da so storitveno usmerjena, zato postajajo zaposleni ključna, osrednja konkurenčna sposobnost podjetja, ker zaposleni s svojim znanjem in veščinami povečujejo oz. izboljšujejo konkurenčni položaj podjetja in posledično vplivajo na tržni delež ter rast in razvoj podjetja. V proizvodno usmerjenih podjetjih zaposleni vplivajo na stroške, ki determinirajo velikost dobička oz. poslovne uspešnosti, zato mora management v podjetju poskrbeti za čim večjo učinkovitost oz. storilnost zaposlenih kadrov. Podjetja pomenu kadrovske funkcije pripisujejo različen pomen. Večja podjetja imajo organiziran kadrovski oddelek, ki izpolnjuje naloge kadrovske funkcije, v manjših podjetjih je kadrovanje spontan proces, ki izhaja iz potreb, ki jih narekujeta poslovno okolje in narava posla. Dejstvo je, da obstaja razlika med majhnimi in velikimi podjetji glede planiranja, organiziranja, izvajanja in nadzorovanja kadrovske funkcije in kadrovskih procesov, zato je cilj diplomske naloge poiskati razlike med majhnimi in velikimi podjetji glede kadrovske funkcije oz. kadrovskih procesov. Predmet diplomske naloge so kadrovski procesi v različnih podjetjih in razlika med njimi ter razlika v organiziranosti kadrovske službe glede na velikost podjetij. Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz dveh delov, in sicer iz teoretičnega dela in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena kadrovska funkcija in kadrovski procesi, ki se izvajajo v podjetjih, v empiričnem delu je narejena raziskava, ki preučuje razlike med majhnimi in velikimi podjetji glede omenjene tematike. ABSTRACT Human resources function is one of the key enterprise functions. The efficiency of the enterprise, which has an impact on enterprise's business performance, depends on human resources function. In modern societies, a share of enterprises, operating in the tertiary and quarterly sector is increasing. Such enterprises are characteristically service-oriented, which leads to employees becoming enterprise's central competitive ability, due to the fact that the employees are increasingly amplifying or improving the competitive position of an enterprise with their knowledge and skills and thus consequently affecting the market share as well as the growth and the development of an enterprise. In production-oriented enterprises, the employees have an impact on costs which determinate the size of the profit or the business performance, therefore the enterprise's management needs to maximize efficiency or productivity of the staff. Human resources function is attributed with different meanings in different enterprises. Larger enterprises have an organized personnel department, fulfilling the tasks of human resources function, in smaller enterprises the recruitment is a spontaneous process, resulting from the needs, dictated by the business environment and the nature of the business. The fact is that there is a difference between small and large businesses in planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring human resources function and human resources processes, therefore the objective of the diploma research work is to find the differences between small and large enterprises about the staff or functions. The object of the diploma research work is human resources processes in different enterprises and the difference between them as well as the difference in the organization of the human resources unit in relation to the size of the enterprises. The diploma research work consists of two parts, the theoretical and the empirical one. Theoretical part introduces human resources function and human resources processes that are carried out in enterprises the empirical part introduces a study, examining the differences between small and large enterprises on these issues.
Databáze: OpenAIRE