The connection of big five personality factors and self-control with the academic dishonesty of high school and university students

Autor: Vižintin, Elena
Přispěvatelé: Kozina, Ana
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako se akademska nepoštenost pri dijakih in študentih povezuje z osebnostnimi značilnostmi v okviru teorije »velikih pet« (ekstravertnost, sprejemljivost, nevroticizem in vestnost), znotraj vestnosti me je zanimala še povezanost akademske nepoštenosti z njeno poddimenzijo – samokontrolo. Dodatno so bile preverjene tudi povezave z demografskimi spremenljivkami (spol, stopnja šolanja in smer šolanja). V raziskavi je sodelovalo 222 dijakov in študentov različnih študijskih smeri, ki so izpolnili Vprašalnik velikih pet BFI, Vprašalnik samokontrole BSCS, Vprašalnik akademske nepoštenosti ADI ter Vprašalnik z demografskimi podatki. Rezultati so pokazali, da se tisti posamezniki, ki so manj sprejemljivi, manj čustveno stabilni, bolj ekstravertni in manj vestni, se pogosteje vključujejo v dejanja akademske nepoštenosti, znotraj vestnosti se je kot pomembna pokazala tudi nizka stopnja posameznikove samokontrole. V okviru demografskih spremenljivk so se pokazale razlike glede na spol, stopnjo šolanja in starost v smeri, da so dijaki/dijakinje, moški in dijaki/študenti poslovnih ved bolj akademsko nepošteni v primerjavi s študenti, ženskami in dijaki/študenti drugih, neposlovnih ved. Raziskava je ena izmed prvih na slovenskih tleh, ki se osredotoča na povezanost osebnosti in akademske nepoštenosti, ključna pa je predvsem za ozaveščanje problematike pojava akademske nepoštenosti, ki se je pokazala kot zelo pogosta. The main purpose of the research was to establish the correlation between academic dishonesty of high school and university students and their personal characteristics within The Big five personality factors theory (extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism and conscientiousness). Within conscientiousness, I focused on the relationship between academic dishonesty and self-control. All connections with demographic variables (sex, level and field of education) have been further checked. A total of 222 high school and university students from different fields of study participated in the research. They completed the Big Five Inventory (BFI) Questionnaire, The Brief Self-Control Questionnaire (BSCS), Academic Dishonesty Inventory ADI and demographic information questionnaire. The results show that individuals who are less agreeable, not as emotionally stable, extraverted and less conscientious are more likely to participate in academically dishonest acts. When considering conscientiousness, low level of self-control has revealed to be of a significant importance. Demographic data shows differences when it comes to the age of participants, sex as well as their level of education. High school students and business students are more academically dishonest than university students in fields other than business. This research is the first of its kind in Slovenia. It focuses on the correlation between personality and academic dishonesty. It is crucial in highlighting the issue of academic dishonesty, which has proven throughout this master’s thesis to be very common.
Databáze: OpenAIRE