Autor: Mernik, Sara
Přispěvatelé: Tratnik, Matjaž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Problematika kaznivih dejanj na ladji sega globoko v preteklost. Skozi zgodovino se je mednarodno pomorsko pravo razvijalo in dosegalo velike spremembe. Na tem področju je temelji pravni akt Konvencija ZN o pomorskem mednarodnem pravu, ki je tudi osrednji temelj te diplomske naloge. Konvencija obsega široko problematiko mednarodne pomorske plovbe, med drugim pa ureja tudi kazniva dejanja na ladji. Kot taka so opredeljena dejanja piratstva, prepovedane trgovine s sužnji, dejanja nedovoljenega radijskega ali televizijskega oddajanja in trgovina s prepovedanimi drogami. Izpostavila sem tudi problematiko mednarodnega terorizma na morju, ki ga ne moremo enačiti s piratstvom. Mednarodni pomorski terorizem pa je bil povod za nastanek Konvencije za preprečevanje nezakonitih dejanj zoper varnost pomorske plovbe, ki nekoliko podrobneje opredeljuje kazniva dejanja oboroženega ropanja ladij. Ta Konvencija pa se razlikuje od Konvencije o pomorskem mednarodnem pravu tudi po tem, da zanjo ne velja univerzalna jurisdikcija, ki velja za Konvencijo o pomorskem mednarodnem pravu. Prav tako se konvenciji razlikujeta po kraju, kjer je lahko izvršeno kaznivo dejanje. Za obstoj konvencij gredo zasluge Organizaciji Združenih Narodov, ki je na tem področju gonilna sila in skupna točka pri pogajanjih med državami. K lažjemu delu in urejanju celotnega pomorskega prava pa pripomoreta tudi Mednarodna pomorska organizacija in Mednarodni tribunal za pravo morja. The problem of illegal acts on ships goes way back in the past. Law of the sea has developed through the history and accomplished great changes. The fundamental legal act at this part of the law is United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea which is also the main object of this thesis. The Convention covers a wide range of international law of the sea issues. One of its parts also covers the issues of illegal acts on the vessel. Such illegal acts according to the Convention are piracy, transport of slaves, unauthorized broadcasting and illicit traffic in narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances. There is also a problem of international terrorism on a vessel which is not equal to the illegal act of piracy. The difference is explained in the thesis. International terrorism on a vessel caused a big concern of security in the international waters. Therefore the United Nations prepared Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation. This Convention specifies illegal acts on ships and is therefore different than the Convention on the Law of the Sea. Universal jurisdiction does not apply to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation like it does for the Convention on the Law of the Sea. The main difference between the conventions is also seen in the territory where the illegal act can be issued. The existence of the both conventions was enabled by the United Nations. The United Nations are constantly improving and organizing the law of the sea trough the International Maritime Organization and International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.
Databáze: OpenAIRE