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Teoretična izhodišča: V sodobnih organizacijah je znanje ključnega pomena. Pomembno vlogo predstavljajo vodje, ki z ustrezno politiko vodenja usmerjajo zaposlene k vedno večji težnji po novem znanju. Zaposleni z visoko stopnjo intelektualnega kapitala predstavljajo osnovo uspešne organizacije. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, kateri model vodenja prevladuje v Splošni bolnišnici Murska Sobota in kako vodje s svojim načinom in modelom vodenja vplivajo na odnos zaposlenih do izobraževanja. Metodologija: Za izdelavo magistrskega dela smo uporabili kombinacijo različnih metod. Pri teoretičnem delu smo se naslanjali na deskriptivno metodo dela, pri empiričnem delu na anketno metodo, podatke smo potem obdelali s pomočjo multivariatnih statističnih metod. Raziskava je potekala v Splošni bolnišnici Murska Sobota med zaposlenimi v vseh štirih dejavnostih, ki so navedene v Statutu zavoda Splošne bolnišnice Murska Sobota. Sodelovanje v raziskavi je bilo prostovoljno. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da vodje na vseh področjih delovanja uporabljajo tako transformacijski kot tudi transakcijski model vodenja. Kot najpomembnejši dejavnik modela vodenja so anketirani izpostavili, da vodja podpira timsko delo. Zaposleni so najvišje ocenili trditev managementa znanja, da vodja spodbuja strokovnost in natančnost pri delu. Ugotovili smo, da transformacijski model vodenja podpira uvajanje koncepta managementa in da v bolnišnici obstajajo značilnosti učeče se organizacije. Zaposleni na vseh področjih dela visoko ocenjujejo elemente managementa znanja, kar je dobra popotnica pri udejanjanju učeče se organizacije. Sklep: Zaključimo lahko, da noben model vodenja ni idealen, pomembna je predvsem veščost vodij, da v dani situaciji uporabijo neprimernejši način vodenja. Izrednega pomena je znanje zaposlenih, ki je temelj konkurenčne prednosti dobrih organizacij. Ena izmed temeljnih nalog dobrih vodij je usmerjanje in spodbujanje zaposlenih k kreativnosti, inovativnosti, iskanju vedno novih znanj ter posledično prenašanju znanja v timu. Theoretical background: In modern organisations, knowledge is of vital importance. A very important role is played by managers, who, by using an appropriate management policy, increasingly strengthen the employees' tendency towards the acquisition of knowledge. Employees who possess a high level of intellectual capital present the basis of a successful organisation. Through our survey, we wanted to find out which management model predominates in Murska Sobota General Hospital, and how the managers with their manner and models of management affect the employees' attitude towards education. Methodology: To conduct this master's thesis, we used a combination of various research methods. The theoretical part of this paper is based on a descriptive work method, whereas the empirical part is based on a survey method. The data obtained were processed with the help of the multivariate statistical method. The survey took part in Murska Sobota General Hospital among the workers employed within the four activities recorded in the institute statute of Murska Sobota General Hospital. The participation in our survey was voluntary. Results: We found out that managers, in all areas of their work, use the transformational as well as the transactional management model. According to the information given by the interviewees, the fact that a manager supports team work is the most important factor that defines a management model. The interviewees evaluated the statement considering knowledge management with the highest mark, namely that the manager encourages proficiency and thoroughness of work. Furthermore, the results showed that the transformational model of management supports the initiation of the concept of management, moreover, we found out that there have been some features of a learning organisation within the hospital. The employees from all work areas rank the elements of knowledge management very high, which presents a good starting point in the process of the actualisation of a learning organisation. Conclusion: Concluding the facts, none of the management models is ideal, however it is skilfulness of managers that is important, namely the ability of a manager to use the most appropriate management manner in a current situation. Knowledge of employees, which is the key to competitive advantage, is of great importance. One of the key tasks of good managers is leading and guiding the employees towards creativity, seeking for new competences, and consequently transmitting their knowledge inside their work team. |