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Nakupovalni trend današnjega časa je internetna prodaja, ob tem pa konstantno naraščajo količine sprejetih paketov. Poštno logistični center (PLC) se zaradi povečanega števila sprejetih paketov srečuje s prostorsko stisko. Pošta Slovenije je za razbremenitev PLC-ja nekatere večje pošte prekvalificirala v pretovorne in logistične pošte. Za razbremenitev PLC-jev pretovorne pošte prevzamejo predelavo pošiljk za svoje območje in kasneje tudi formiranje direktnih zabojnikov, ki bi jih izmenjevale med seboj brez pretovora v PLC. V diplomski nalogi so prikazane obstoječe transportne povezave in količine pošiljk PP v Koper in PP Nova Gorica. Pristop zajema vidika koncentracije in distribucije paketnih pošiljk preko PLC Ljubljana, kar dosežemo s proučevanjem dejanskih tokov paketnih pošiljk na tem območju. V diplomski nalogi je analizirano delovanje poštnega sistema v luči zagotavljanja kakovosti prenosa paketov. Ugotavljamo pomanjkljivosti v sistemu in podajamo predloge za perspektivnejšo lokacijo pretovorne pošte. Nova lokacija pozitivno vpliva na kakovost in na zmanjšanje stroškov prevoza. A shopping trend of our time is online shopping which is the reason for an ever growing number of parcels which are being sent to purchasers. This trend makes the Postal Logistics Centre face a big problem, which is lack of space. The Post of Slovenia has, in order to unburden the Postal Logistics Centre, transformed some of the large post offices into converting and logistical post offices. To unburden PLC, the converting post offices take on the processing of mail in their own area and later also the forming of direct containers, exchanged between one another without the conversion by the PLC. This thesis presents the existing transport connections and the amount of parcels in PP Koper and PP Nova Gorica. The approach encompasses the aspect of concentration and the aspect of distribution of parcels through PLC Ljubljana, which has been achieved by studying the actual currents of parcel mail in this area. This thesis analyses the functioning of the postal system in the light of ensuring the quality of transfer, but finds flaws in the system and offers a suggestion for a more prosperous location of the converting post office. The new location has a positive effect on the quality and also lowers the costs of transfer. |