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Diplomsko delo obravnava pedagoški pristop Reggio Emilia, ga utemeljuje kot postmodernega in podaja njegova ujemanja z reformsko pedagogiko. Prikazan je prehod v postmoderno pedagoško miselnost, ki ga narekuje vzgojno-izobraževalna kritika na prehodu iz 19. v 20. stoletje in se kaže v pluralizaciji na področju vzgojno-izobraževalnega polja. Ob tem je podrobneje razdelana tudi reformska pedagogika. Nadalje je v diplomskem delu opredeljen pojem postmodernosti in predstavljeno temu ustrezno spremenjeno dojemanje sveta in razumevanje vednosti. Izpostavljeno je privzemanje postmodernih vrednot subjektivnosti, raznolikosti, kompleksnosti in relativnosti. V navezavi na to so podane značilnosti postmodernega pogleda na otroka in otroštvo ter temu potrebne spremembe znotraj pedagoškega dela. Te udejanja tudi pedagoški pristop Reggio Emilia, ki v svojih temeljnih postavkah sledi postmoderni pluralistični vrednotni usmeritvi in stremi k celovitemu razvoju vseh otrokovih osebnostnih lastnosti in sposobnosti. The thesis deals with the Reggio Emilia pedagogical approach, it substantiates it as a postmodern approach and presents the similarities to the reform pedagogy. It shows the transition to a postmodern pedagogical thinking dictated by educational criticism at the turn of the 19th century and is reflected in pluralisation in the educational field. It also includes a detailed display of the reform pedagogy. Furthermore, the thesis defines the concept of postmodernity and presents the changed perception of the world and understanding of knowledge. The emphasis is on the default values of postmodern subjectivity, diversity, complexity and relativity. In addition to this, the characteristics of the postmodern perspectives of the child and childhood are given, as well as the necessary changes within the teaching process. All these are implemented by the Reggio Emilia pedagogical approach, which in its foundation follows the postmodern pluralistic value orientations and aims at the full development of children's personality traits and abilities. |