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V diplomskem delu obravnavamo metodo navideznega nakupovanja, ki jo uvrščamo med kvalitativne raziskave, in na primeru turističnih agencij predstavljamo njeno uporabno vrednost v poslovni praksi. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili metodo navideznega nakupovanja, predstavili njene prednosti in pomanjkljivosti, področja uporabe, etične vidike, jo primerjali s tradicionalnimi raziskavami merjenja zadovoljstva potrošnikov in podrobneje predstavili potek izvajanja programa navideznega nakupovanja. Nadalje smo obravnavali kakovost storitev, pri čemer smo poudarili posebnosti turističnih storitev in opozorili na pomen izvajanja marketinških raziskav v turizmu. V praktičnem delu smo z uporabo metode navideznega nakupovanja merili kakovost posredovanja storitev v turističnih agencijah. Pri tem smo uporabili raziskovalno tehniko opazovanja z udeležbo, kjer smo s pomočjo navideznih kupcev ugotavljali, v kolikšni meri opazovane turistične agencije izpolnjujejo predhodno opredeljene standarde s področja zunanje in notranje podobe poslovalnic ter prodajnega osebja. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave smo ugotavljali konkurenčne prednosti opazovanih podjetij in identificirali področja, na katerih so še potrebne izboljšave. V sklepnem delu povzemamo najpomembnejše ugotovitve diplomskega dela in podajamo pregled hipotez, ki smo jih preverjali s pomočjo raziskave. In the thesis we discuss the method of mystery shopping, which falls within the scope of qualitative research, and present its applicable value in business practice in the case of travel agencies. In the theoretical part we defined the method of mystery shopping, its advantages and deficiencies, fields of use, ethical aspects, compared it with traditional researches of customer satisfaction measuring and thoroughly presented the course of the mystery shopping program. Then we discussed the quality of service, where we stressed out the particularities of tourist services and highlighted the importance of marketing researches in tourism. In the practical part we measured the quality of service delivery in travel agencies with the use of the mystery shopping method. We used the research technique observation through participation, where we used mystery shoppers to assess the extent, to which travel agencies meet the previously set standards from the fields of outer and inner image of branches and the sales personnel. Based on the results of the research we identified the competitive advantages of the observed companies and identified fields, which would need improvement. In the conclusion we summarize the most important findings of the thesis and provide an overview of hypotheses, which we checked with the help of the research. |