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Podjetja lahko rastejo na različne načine ali pa sploh ne rastejo. Poznamo dve strategiji rasti, to je pasivna (izkoriščanje novonastalih razmer) in aktivna strategija (vodstvo ustvarja razmere za rast). Samo ustanavljanje in rast podjetij imata kar nekaj pozitivnih posledic za razvoj nacionalnega gospodarstva (npr. ustvarjanje novih delovnih mest, ustvarjanje inovacij …). V diplomskem seminarju smo skušali prikazati, kako lahko podjetje raste s pomočjo franšize. Franšizing je metoda, kjer na podlagi pogodbe sodelujeta franšizor (lastnik franšiznega sistem) in franšizij (podjetje, ki kupi franšizno licenco). Tako lahko franšiziji poslujejo po franšizorjevem konceptu (npr. uporabljajo lahko njegovo ime, metode poslovanja…). Podjetje Linea Snella Co. d.o.o. je pričelo s franšiznim poslovanjem v letu 2007. Prvo franšizno enoto so odprli v začetku leta 2008, do danes pa jim imajo dvaindvajset (sedemnajst v Sloveniji, štiri na Hrvaškem in enega v Barceloni), kar kaže na precejšnjo rast franšiznih enot. Za cilj so si zadali večjo prepoznavnost same blagovne znamke Linea Snella (gre za celostno metodo pridobivanja in ohranjanja zdrave telesne teže ter dobrega psihofizičnega počutja) v širšem okolju Evrope in tudi na ameriškem trgu. V današnjem času daje veliko ljudi poudarek na zdravo telesno težo, zaradi česar lahko trdimo, da gre za posel, ki ima perspektivo v prihodnosti. V omenjenem podjetju dajejo velik poudarek na izobraževanje, saj morajo tako jemalci franšize kot tudi zaposleni pridobiti neke vrste certifikat, na podlagi katerega lahko delajo v njihovih centrih. Poleg tega pa mora franšizojemalec izpolnjevati sprejete obveznosti pred samim odprtjem, kot tudi v času poslovanja. Razloge za odprtje franšiznega centra, pod blagovno znamko Linea Snella, lahko iščemo v dobro vpeljanem franšiznem modelu, priznani blagovni znamki, ki je na tržišču že uveljavljena, poleg tega pa več njihovih lastnih centrov posluje že več let (v Italiji je prisotna že okoli 25 let, v Sloveniji pa dobrih 10 let), kar kupcu daje še dodatno potrditev, da gre za prepoznavno blagovno znamko in preverjen poslovni model. Companies can grow in different ways, or not grow at all. Two strategies of growth are known: passive (taking advantage of new circumstances) and active strategy (management creating the conditions for growth). Establishment and growth of companies have numerous positive effects on the development of national economies (for instance creation of new jobs, innovations etc.) Our diploma seminar is aimed at presenting how a company can grow with the help of a franchise. Franchising is a method where a franchiser (owner of the franchise system) and franchisee (company that bought the franchise licence) cooperate on the basis of a contract. Consequently the franchisee is allowed use the franchiser’s concept of doing business (for example use the franchiser’s company name, methods etc.). The company Linea Snella Corporation Ltd. started its franchise model in 2007. The first franchise unit was opened at the beginning of 2008, and now the number has risen to twenty-two (seventeen in Slovenia, four in Croatia and one in Barcelona), which reflects a considerable growth of franchise units. Their goal is a greater level of recognisability of the Linea Snella trade mark (comprehensive method of attaining and preserving a healthy weight, and psychophysical well-being) on a wider European and also American market. Nowadays a great number of people strive for a healthy weight, and based on this fact we can claim this to be a model with good business prospects. The abovementioned company lays a great deal of emphasis on training, since both the franchisees and employees must attain a certificate on the basis of which they can work at Linea Snella centres. In addition to this, the franchisee has to carry out accepted commitments before and after opening of the franchise. Reasons for opening a franchise centre with the trade mark Linea Snella can be found in a well-established franchise model, respected trade mark that is recognisable on the market, and furthermore, several of their own centres have been in operation for years (around 25 years in Italy, and 10 years in Slovenia), which gives the customers a sense they are dealing with a recognizable brand and good business model. |