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V diplomskem delu sem obravnavala teorije smeha in komedije skozi zgodovino in v povezavi z romanom Ime rože enega najbolj fascinantnih pisateljev preteklih desetletij Umberta Eca. Posvetila sem se njegovi biografiji in bibliografiji, postmodernistični drži, pogledom na teorije komedije in smeha ter romanu, v katerem svoje obširno znanje vtke v napeto zgodbo, ki je osvojila bralce po vsem svetu in doživela filmsko upodobitev. Smeh je element življenja, ki ga v sodobnem času zelo cenimo. Zavedamo se njegovih pozitivnih vplivov na telo in duha. V zgodovini, predvsem krščanski, pa ni bilo vedno tako. Smeh je veljal za nezaželenega in v diplomskem delu sem se posvetila vprašanju, zakaj ga je cerkev preganjala. Tema smeha je hkrati vodilna tema romana Ime rože. Eco jo naveže na temo izgubljenega Aristotelovega zapisa o komediji, ki buri duhove tako v romanu kot med literarnimi teoretiki. Mnogi domnevajo, da je Aristotel napisal drugi del Poetike, v katerem se je podrobneje ukvarjal s komedijo. Da bi se dokopali do Aristotelove teorije komedije, preučujejo vse, kar je o tem napisal v drugih delih ali so zapisali drugi. Nekateri se pri tem zanašajo na Tractatus Coislinianus in z njegovo pomočjo ustvarjajo rekonstrukcije Aristotelove teorije, kar sem predstavila tudi v diplomskem delu. Umberto Eco verjame, da je svojo rekonstrukcijo uspešno predstavil v romanu Ime rože, in to je vprašanje, kateremu sem se posvetila v zadnjem delu naloge. In my diploma thesis I discussed the theory of laughter and comedy throughout history in connection with the novel The Name of the Rose from one of the most fascinating writers of past decades Umerto Eco. I pursued his biography and bibliography, the postmodern mien, the views on the theory of comedy and laughter in this novel, in which his extensive knowledge is weaved in suspense story, which conquered readers all over the world and was adapted as a film. Laughter is the element of life, which in modern times is much appreciated. We are aware of its positive effects on the mind and body. In history, mainly Christian, it was not always so. Laughter was considered to be undesirable and in this diploma thesis I focused on the question why did the church persecute it. The theme of laughter is also the leading theme of the novel The Name of the Rose. Eco attaches it to the topic of the lost Aristotelian record of comedy that stirs the spirits of both the novel and the literary theorists. Many believe that Aristotle wrote the second part of the Poetics, which dealt in detail with the comedy. In order to achieve an Aristotle's theory of comedy, they study everything written about it in other parts or written by others. Some rely on Tractatus Coislinianus and with its help generate the reconstruction of Aristotle's theory, which I presented in this thesis. Umberto Eco believes that its reconstruction was successfully introduced in the novel The Name of the Rose, and this is an issue which I have devoted the last part of the thesis to. |