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Diplomsko delo obravnava kmetijsko obremenjevanje okolja na Savinjski ravni in v Ložniškem gričevju. Agrarnogeografske značilnosti teh pokrajin so prikazane predvsem z okoljevarstvenega vidika. Osrednji del se osredotoča na intenzivnost kmetovanja, kjer so podatki o porabi gnojil in zaščitnih sredstev, tekočih goriv, usmeritvi in energetski intenzivnosti kmetij itd. Podatki so pridobljeni s terenskim anketiranjem in interpretirani z okoljevarstvenega stališča. Na osnovi energetskih vnosov in obdelovalnih zemljišč je izračunana t. i. energetska gostota ali energetska intenzivnost kmetovanja na posamezni kmetiji in v pokrajini. Energijski vnosi v okolje so izračunani s pomočjo Slesserjeve metode energijske gostote, rezultati pa prikazujejo stopnjo kmetijskega obremenjevanja območja. Med pokrajinama so bile ugotovljene bistvene razlike, saj gre za različne pokrajinske tipe in različne kmetijske sisteme. This diploma work is interested in agriculture influence on the environment in Savinjska ravan and Ložniško gričevje. Agriculture-geographical characteristics of these areas are given from the environmental point of view. Central part of diploma work is focused on intensity of farming with information about the use of fertilizer and protective means, liquid fuels, directions, energetic intensity of farms etc. Data has been gathered with field inquiry interpreted from environmental point of view. On the basis of energetic asset and cultivated areas the energetic density or intensity is calculated for a particular farm at the country. Energetic impact on the environment was calculated with Slessers method of energetic density and results reveal degree of burden from the farms in the area. Between these two countries differences were discovered mainly because of different country type and farming system. |