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Na začetku diplomskega izpita je opisana geodezija, njene naloge ter zgodovina. V nadaljevanju smo opisali merjenje dolžin ter metode za izvajanje le-teh. Sledi predstavitev iskalnikov podzemnih vodov Leica (iskalnik je sestavljen iz lokatorja, digitalnega generatorja signala in pribora) ter njihove cene. Potem smo opisali posledice pretrganja podzemnega voda na projekt in navedli tri primere pretrganja podzemnega voda ter stroške popravila pretrganja. Zaključili smo z izračunom ekonomske upravičenosti nakupa iskalnika podzemnih vodov. At the beginning of diploma exam is description of geodesy, its tasks and history. In next pages we described measuring lengths and their methods. We continued with presentation of search engines of underground lines Leica ( search engine composition contains locator, a digital signal generator and accessories) and their prices. Then we described the consequences of interrupting undergroung lines on project and state three examples of interruption of underground lines. We also matched the repair costs. In the end, we calculated the economic viability of purchasing the search engine of underground lines. |