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Pričujoče diplomsko delo obravnava začasno in občasno delo kot eno izmed oblik fleksibilnega dela, ki se praviloma opravlja zunaj delovnega razmerja. V Sloveniji je bilo v preteklih letih začasno in občasno delo predmet urejanja več zakonov, ki naj bi celovito in enotno uredili to področje dela. Naposled se je zakonodajalec lotil urejanja kratkotrajnih oblik dela po segmentih, glede na posamezno skupino upravičencev. Z Zakonom o urejanju trga dela je uspešno vpeljal in uredil začasno in občasno delo upokojencev, ki slednjim od 1. julija 2013 dalje omogoča ponovni vstop na trg dela, brez poseganja v njihove pokojnine ali upokojenski status. Posebnost tega dela je, da kljub temu, da lahko pri njem obstajajo elementi delovnega razmerja, ne temelji na pogodbi o zaposlitvi, ampak na pogodbi civilnega prava. Na področje začasnega in občasnega dela dijakov in študentov je zakonodajalec korenito posegel z novelo Zakona za uravnoteženje javnih financ. Z vključitvijo študentskega dela v sistem socialnih zavarovanj, od 1. februarja 2015 dalje, se je slednje približalo ostalim oblikam dela. Z vidika stroškovne obremenitve tako ne predstavlja več nelojalne konkurence rednim oblikam zaposlitve, opravljeno delo pa se dijakom in študentom preračuna v zavarovalno dobo v sorazmernem delu. Še zmeraj ostaja na področju študentskega zaposlovanja odprtih veliko področij, ki jih bo potrebno v prihodnosti urediti. Glede na potek reform na področju začasnega in občasnega dela, menim, da lahko v prihodnosti pričakujemo vpeljavo in pravno ureditev nove oblike kratkotrajnega dela, namenjeno brezposelnim osebam. Kratkotrajno delo se lahko opravlja tudi na drugih pravnih podlagah, in sicer na podlagi pogodbe o zaposlitvi za določen čas, pa tudi na podlagi podjemne in avtorske pogodbe, v kolikor delo ne vsebuje elementov delovnega razmerja. S primerjavo dela na različnih pravnih podlagah ugotavljam prednosti in pomanjkljivosti posamezne oblike dela, pri kateri obliki dela so pravice osebe, ki opravlja delo najbolj zaščitene in katera oblika dela predstavlja najmanjši strošek za delodajalca. Začasno in občasno delo mora biti ustrezno pravno urejeno. To pomeni, da mora ob veliki meri fleksibilnosti, ki jo ta oblika dela nudi delodajalcem, biti zagotovljena primerljiva socialna varnost šibkejši stranki znotraj tega razmerja. Prav tako se z ustrezno ureditvijo tega dela lahko uspešno omejuje zaposlovanje na črno, odpravlja problem segmentacije na trgu dela, z vzpostavitvijo ustreznih mehanizmov pa se preprečuje zloraba kratkotrajnih oblik dela na škodo rednih delovnih razmerij. The present thesis deals with temporary and occasional work as one of the forms of flexible work, which is normally executed outside the employment relationship. In Slovenia in the past years temporary and occasional work was a subject matter of several laws, which should settle this field of work uniformly and in its entirety. Eventually the legislator started editing the short forms of work by segments, depending on each group of beneficiaries. With the Law on Regulating the Labour Market he has successfully introduced and edited temporary and occasional work for retirees, which allows them a re-entry into the labour market since 1st July 2013, without interfering into their pensions or retirement status. A special feature of this work is that despite the fact that it has elements of an employment relationship, it is not based on the employment contract, but on the contract of civil law. The area of temporary and occasional work of secondary school pupils and students was radically interfered by the legislator with The Public Finance Act. With the inclusion of student work in the system of social insurance since 1st February 2015, it got closer to the other forms of work. From the cost burden perspective, it does no longer present unfair rivalry to regular forms of employment, and the work done by secondary school pupils and students is converted into the insurance period in its proportionate part. There still remain many open areas in the field of student employment that will necessary have to be regulated in the future. Depending on the course of reforms in the field of temporary and occasional work, I believe that in the future we can expect the implementation and regulation of new forms of short-term work, intended for unemployed people. Short-term work can be carried out also on other legal grounds, namely on the basis of fixed-term employment contract, as well as on the basis of contract work and intellectual property contract, if the work does not contain elements of the employment relationship. By comparing the work on different legal grounds I note the strengths and weaknesses of every individual form of work, in which form of work the rights of a person who carries out the work are most protected and which form of work represents the minimum costs for the employer. Temporary and occasional work must be appropriately legally set. This means that taking into account a large measure of flexibility, which this form of work offers to employers a comparable social security has to be provided to the weaker party within this relationship. Besides that, through an appropriate arrangement of this work the illegal employment can be successfully restricted, it eliminates the problem of segmentation in the labour market, and through the establishment of appropriate mechanisms it prevents the misuse of short-term forms of work to the detriment of regular employment relationships. |