Autor: Pohleven, Janez
Přispěvatelé: Uršič, Duško
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Sistemi vodenja kakovosti dandanes močno vplivajo na kakovost poslovnega procesa, ki je zelo pomemben element za vsako podjetje, ki hoče biti in ostati med uspešnimi v svoji panogi. S kakovostnim poslovanjem podjetja izpolnjujejo zahteve in potrebe deležnikov – predvsem odjemalcev, lastnikov, partnerjev, zaposlenih in družbe kot celote. V ta proces morajo biti vključeni vsi zaposleni v podjetju. Podjetja si pridobivajo konkurenčno prednost s certificiranimi standardi sistemov vodenja kakovosti, nekatera pa nadgradijo te certifikate še z različnimi modeli. Eden izmed modelov, ki zagotavlja celoten pregled poslovanja, je tudi Model poslovne odličnosti EFQM, ki temelji na devetih merilih, od katerih je pet dejavnikov in štirje rezultati. V podjetju Primat d.d. so se leta 2011 odločili za kandidaturo za nagrado-Priznanje Republike Slovenije za poslovno odličnost (PRSPO). Izvedli so samoocenjevanje z ocenjevalnim in vodstvenim orodjem RADAR, ki se uporablja pri ocenjevanju vlog za nagrado za odličnost EFQM. Predvsem zaradi posledic finančne in gospodarske krize je bilo v novo verzijo evropskega modela odličnosti – EFQM 2010 vgrajenih nekaj konceptualnih sprememb, predvsem v smislu povečane odgovornosti voditeljstva za sprejete odločitve, integritete in etičnosti poslovanja, spodbujanja ustvarjalnosti, učenja in inovativnosti ter uravnoteženja posameznih meril. Rezultati vrste znanstvenih raziskav so potrdili pozitivne učinke uporabe modelov odličnosti. Quality management systems nowadays greatly affect the quality of the business process, which is a very important element for any company that wants to be and remain among the successful in his industry. With quality business should meet the requirements and needs of the stakeholders – in particular customers, owners, partners, employees and society as a whole. In this process must be included to all employees in the company. Companies are gaining competitive advantage with certified quality management system standards, and some are upgraded these certificates with different designs. One of the models, which provides a complete review of the business, is also the Business Excellence Model EFQM, based on nine criteria, of which five factors and four results. In the company Primat d.d. in 2011, decided to Award nomination-Recognition for business excellence-Slovenian Business Excellence Prize (PRSPO). Run the self-assessment with the assessment and management tool, the RADAR used in the assessment of applications for the award for the excellence of the EFQM. In particular, the consequences of the financial and economic crisis was in the new version of the European model of excellence, EFQM 2010 embedded a few conceptual changes, especially in terms of the increased responsibilities of the leadership for the decisions taken, integrity, and to contact the business, encouraging creativity, learning and innovation and a balance of individual criteria. The results of scientific research have confirmed the positive effects of the use of models of excellence.
Databáze: OpenAIRE