Rights of the railway passenger in the case of delay and cancelllation

Autor: Gradišnik, Matic Jan
Přispěvatelé: Kranjc, Vesna
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Dinamični način življenja sili ljudi, da tekom svojega življenja posegajo po različnih prevoznih sredstvih. Najbolj razširjen je verjetno cestni promet, vendar je želja Evropske unije bila, da bi ljudje začeli posegati več po železniških storitvah. Zato je bil železniški prevoz deležen številnih zakonodajnih aktov Evropske unije, s katerimi so želeli posodobiti storitve in zagotoviti večjo varstvo potnikov v železniškem prometu, kadar pride do nevšečnosti kot so zamuda ali odpoved prevoza. Temeljni pravni akt, ki ureja pravice potnikov v železniškem prometu, je Uredba (ES) št. 1371/2007 o pravicah in obveznostih potnikov v železniškem prometu (v nadaljevanju: Uredba). Uredba za razliko od Zakona o prevoznih pogodbah v železniškem prometu (v nadaljevanju: ZPPŽP) potniku nudi večjo varstvo v primeru zamude ali odpovedi. ZPPŽP predvideva v primeru zamude ali odpovedi samo nadomestni prevoz do namembne ali odhodne postaje ali sorazmerno vrnitev prevoznine. Uredba pa je zadevo uredila bolj kompleksno in potniku zagotavlja pravico do povračila in preusmeritve, pravico do nadomestila cene vozovnice in pravico do pomoči in odškodnino. Potrebno je upoštevati, da te pravice, ki mu jih zagotavlja Uredba, lahko potnik uveljavlja samo, če je zamuda daljša kot 60 minut. Uredba vzpostavlja strožjo obliko odgovornosti za škodo, saj ugotovimo, da gre za objektivno odgovornost. Za vse ostale oblike škode, ki se pojavijo zaradi zamude ali odpovedi, Uredba napotuje na nacionalno pravo, ki vzpostavlja subjektivno odgovornost z obrnjenim dokaznim bremenom. ZPPŽP določa, da se povrne vsa škoda, ki jo je potnik dokazal, da jo je imel zaradi zamude ali odpovedi prevoza. Dynamic way of life forces people that during their lifetime they intrude on different transport types. The most common is probably road traffic, however the European Union wanted that people will use rail services more. Therefore, the railway transport has received a number of legislative acts of the European Union with which they modernize the services and provide greater protection for rail passengers when there is inconvenience, such as delay or cancellation of transport. The basic legal act regulating the rights of passengers in rail transport is Regulation (EC) No. 1371/2007 on rail passengers rights and obligations (hereinafter: the Regulation). Unlike Railway Transport Contracts Act (hereinafter: ZPPŽP), the Regulation offers greater protection to passengers in case of delay or cancellation. ZPPŽP foresees, in case of delay or cancellation, only a substitute carriage to the destination or departure station, or the proportional return of ticket price. However, the Regulation has made the matter more complex and provides the passenger with the right to reimbursement and conversion, the right to compensation for the ticket price and the right to assistance and compensation for damages. It should be noted that these rights granted to him by the Regulation can only be claimed by the passenger if the delay is longer than 60 minutes. The Regulation establishes a more rigorous liability for damage, as it is established that this is a strict liability. For all other forms of damage arising out of delay or cancellation, the Regulation refers to national law which establishes subjective liability with the reversal of the burden of proof. ZPPŽP stipulates that all the damage that the passenger has proven to have suffered as a result of delay or cancellation of the transport should be reimbursed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE