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Dandanes, ko je napredek tehnologije na vrhuncu, se tudi v tekstilni industriji srečujemo z naprednimi tehnologijami, ki poenostavljajo izdelavo oblačil in manjšajo stroške oblačil. V diplomski nalogi smo raziskali prednosti in slabosti programske opreme Optitex 3D Flattening. Ta programska oprema nudi možnost konstruiranja krojev oblačil na 3D parametričnem modelu telesa. V uvodnem delo diplomske naloge so predstavljeni programi, ki se ukvarjajo s 3D konstruiranjem, podane so osnove 2D in 3D konstruiranja krojev oblačil, zajete in predstavljene so lastnosti takšnega konstruiranja. V praktičnem delu je prikazan potek 3D konstruiranja krojev nedrca, majice in korzeta na 3D parametričnem modelu telesa. Prednost takšnega konstruiranja je predvsem v hitrosti, s katero lahko določeno oblačilo skonstruiramo in lahko pridemo do realnega pogleda na oblačilo še preden oblačilo sešijemo. Slabost 3D konstruiranja krojev oblačil z modulom 3D Flattening je, da ni mogoče konstruirati ohlapnih oblačil, ampak samo oblačila, ki se tesno prilegajo telesu oz. 3D parametričnem modelu telesa. 3D konstruiranje krojev oblačil je bilo oteženo na težko dostopnih področjih modela telesa, npr. pod roko, čeprav program omogoča povečavo in vrtenje modela okrog določene točke. S tem programom konstruirani krojni deli nimajo lepih ravnih linij, zato je potrebno veliko popravkov teh linij. Ta težava se lahko odpravi z izurjenostjo konstruktorja. Programska oprema OptiTex nudi hiter vpogled v videz oblačila še pred njegovo izdelavo, to pa nam omogoča hitro popravljanje morebitnih napak in zmanjša stroške izdelave oblačil. Nowadays, when technology advance is at its peak, we are also faced with advanced technologies in the textile industry, which make the production of clothes much easier and reduce the costs of production. In this diploma work we have studied pros and cons of the software Optitex 3D Flattening. This software offers the possibility to design clothing patterns on a 3D parametrical model of the body. In the introduction of my diploma work are presented the programs that offers us 3D designing, basics of 2D and 3D designing clothing patterns and also presented the characteristics of such design. In the practical part of the work there is shown the 3D design of the pattern of bra , t-shirt and corset on a 3D parametrical model of the body. The advantage of this design lies in the speed with which we can construct the clothing and we can get the realistic view of the garment before sewing those patterns together. The dissadvantage of 3D designing of the patterns with 3D Flattening module is that it is not possible to construct a loose-fitting clothes but only clothes that fit tightly to the body or 3D parametrical model of the body. 3D designing of clothing patterns was difficult on areas that are hard to reach on the body, for example under the arm, eventhough the program allows us to zoom and rotate the model arround a certain point. Patterns that are designed with this program does not have nice straight lines, so it takes a lot of corrections of these lines. This problem can be fixed with a experienced designer. Software Optitex provides a quick insight into the appearrance of the clothing before its construction, which allows us to quickly correct any errors and reduces the costs or garment manufaturing. |