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Afrika. Vedno, ko pomislimo ali slišimo ime, nam zdrami domišljijo. Začnemo razmišljati, kam dati ta pojem, mogoče se spomnimo na kako humanitarno akcijo, Karitas, misijonarje, vojne, pokole, kavo, agrume, puščavo, safari, počitnice? V diplomskem delu smo se dotaknili kolonizacije celine, posledic dveh svetovnih vojn, dekolonizacije in posledic vseh teh procesov. Celina, ki je bila še ne slabih tristo let v preteklost le obris obale na svetovnih zemljevidih in atlasih. Afriko je v drugi polovici 19. stoletja prizadela najhujša oblika človeške bolezni, želja po bogastvu in za dosego cilja se niso izbirala sredstva, pohlep je bil plačan v človeških žrtvah in krvi. V 60-ih letih 20. stoletja se je Afrika zbudila in stopila na pot ponovne pridobitve svobode in samostojnosti. Hodila je po trnovi poti polni ovir. Že takrat so sledile visokoleteče napovedi vzpona zatiranih ljudstev in uveljavljanja na svetovnem odru, ki se (še) niso uresničile. Prav tako se niso uresničile napovedi o človeških poletih na druge planete v našem sončnem sistemu. Priznati pa moramo, da Afrika ima potenciale, naravne vire, naravo, ljudi, ki počasi in vztrajno napredujejo, ohranjajo stike s tradicionalnim in gradijo svojo zgodovino in prihodnost. Edino kar ostane je vprašanje: Ali bodo imela afriška ljudstva koristi iz tega napredka in pridobljenega bogastva? Africa. Whenever we think about it or hear the name, it awakens our imagination. We begin to wonder exactly where to put this word. We might think about some particular humanitarian action, charity, missionaries, wars, massacres, coffee, citrus fruit, desert, safari, or even a vacation. In this graduation thesis, we touch upon the theme of colonization, the effects of two world wars, decolonization and the consequences that all these processes had for Africa. The African continent was - not more than three hundred years ago - only an outline of coast on world maps and in atlases. During the second half of the 19th century, Africa was affected by the worst forms of human disease and greed based purely on desire for wealth. Towards these ends, people and countries employed the most heinous methods. Their greed has been paid for by the blood of African victims. In the 1960s, Africa woke up and embarked on a path of recovery, a path towards freedom and independence – however - she still walks a thorny path full of obstacles. Gradually, African independence and decolonization were followed by a high-flying forecast featuring the rise of oppressed peoples and their entry onto the world stage. To this end, true development of these promises has not (yet) been fulfilled. However, we must still admit that Africa has huge potential: natural resources, nature, people, who are slowly and steadily progressing. Africa’s people have also maintained strong ties to their traditions and histories. They are still building their future. One true question thus remains: Will the African people benefit from new progress and wealth, or not? |