Autor: Pukšič, Anja
Přispěvatelé: Kordigel Aberšek, Metka
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Magistrsko delo obsega teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu je zajet pregled teorije slikanice, v kateri igrata pomembno vlogo slikovni in besedilni del. Zaznavanje obeh delov (besedilnega in slikovnega) je izjemnega pomena. Strokovnjaki nas opozarjajo na nove oblike poučevanja pismenosti, kjer je ključnega pomena predstavljena vizualna pismenost. Slikanico so včasih obravnavali ob reprezentativnem odlomku ali kot integralno besedilo, tako da je učiteljica prebrala del besedila in predstavila mimohod ilustracij. In kaj je to pomenilo za otroke? Seveda tak pristop ni spodbuden, kajti slikanico je treba obravnavati na način, da imajo vsi učenci dostop do slikovnega in besedilnega dela hkrati oziroma simultano. Pri obravnavi slikanice v šoli je zelo pomembno učiteljevo poznavanje učencev in njihove razvojne stopnje, saj lahko na podlagi tega znanja izbere primerna dela. Izbira primernega dela pa seveda ni dovolj, pomembna je obravnava le-tega. Skozi eksperiment v drugem, empiričnem delu najprej učencem omogočimo sinhrono recepcijo slikanice, nato nas zanima, kako zaznajo, razumejo in vrednotijo književne osebe, književni čas, književni prostor in književno dogajanje ter katere slikaniške signale pri tem uporabljajo. Prav tako nas zanima zmožnost domišljijskega dopolnjevanja besedilnega sveta. Primerjali smo tudi kašna je stopnja vživljanja v fazi poglabljanja doživetja in sicer pri učencih, ki so bili deležni sinhrone recepcije slikanice ter pri učencih, ki so bili pri obdelavi slikanice deležni le besedilnega dela slikanice. V 3. razredu izvedemo učno uro književnosti s slikanico Saše Vegri: Jure kvak kvak. Analiza in rezultati izvedene učne ure pokažejo, da so se učenci, ki so bili deležni sinhrone recepcije slikanice v večji meri vživeli v književno osebo kot učenci, ki so bili pri obravnavi slikanice deležni le besedilnega dela. Rezultati tudi kažejo, da učenci za razumevanje in vrednotenje slikanice v večji meri uporabljajo vizualne signale in v manjši meri besedilne slikaniške signale. Večina učencev pa tudi nima težav pri domišljijskem dopolnjevanju besedilnega sveta ter pri razlikovanju med realnim in domišljijskim svetom. Master's degree consists of a theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part includes a review of a picture book in which images and text are very important. Perception of both parts (images and text) is of great importance. The experts emphasise the new literacy teaching strategies where the visual literacy is crucial. In the past the picture book was discussed with a representative fragment or as a complete text where the teacher read the part of a text and presented illustrations. Such methods are not stimulating for children. The picture book has to be presented in a way where all children access the images and the text at the same time, simultaneously. When a teacher discusses a picture book with children, it is very important that she is familiar with the children and their stage of development, so she is able to choose suitable book. It is not enough to choose a suitable book, it is very important how the book is presented. The second part is experimental. The students are first enabled to synchronous receptiveness of a text book. During the next step we want to see how they percept, understand and appreciate literary figures, the time, the space and the occurrences and which signals do they use. We were also interested in their ability of imaginative supplementation of the text world. Two groups of students were compared on how they get accustomed to the story. In the first group the picture book was presented simultaneously, in the second one we only exposed the text. The literature lesson was carried out in the third grade. We used the picture book Jure kvak kvak written by Saša Vegri. The analysis and the results of the lesson demonstrate that the strategy we use in presenting the picture book is of great importance. Students of the first group (simultaneous presentation) reached higher results and were better in getting accustomed with literary figure. The results indicate that the students' perception of the picture book results from visual signals rather than the text. Most students do not have problems to imagine a situation and to distinguish between the realistic and imaginary world.
Databáze: OpenAIRE