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Človeške melanomske celice so znane kot ene najbolj agresivnih rakastih celic, melanom je posledično eno najtežje ozdravljivih rakastih obolenj. Velika aktivnost poteka na področju iskanja in razvoja potencialnega zdravila za rakave bolezni, vključujoč alternativne oblike zdravil. Namen našega dela je bil testirati ekstrakte navadnega netreska na človeških melanomskih celicah in preveriti, ali ti zavirajo rast rakastih celic in inhibirajo metabolno aktivnost. S pomočjo različnih konvencionalnih ekstrakcijskih metod smo pridobili številne ekstrakte, katerim smo nato določili vsebnosti polifenolov in proantocianidinov ter tudi antioksidativni potencial. Za primerjavo smo uporabili različne postopke priprave materiala za ekstrakcijo, del našega materiala sušili, drugega pa liofilizirali. V dobljenih ekstraktih smo določili vsebnosti polifenolov, proantocianidinov ter njihov antioksidativni potencial. Rezultati kažejo, da smo najvišje vsebnosti polifenolov ter proantocianidinov pridobili pri liofiliziranem materialu, prav tako pa so pokazali najvišji antioksidativni potencial. Glavni namen je bila izvedba analiz inhibicijskih učinkov ekstraktov na človeške melanomske celice. Ugotovili smo, da so prisotni ekstrakti v roku 24 ur inkubacije inhibirali metabolno aktivnost celic pri višjih koncentracijah ekstraktov, vzrok za ta učinek pa pripisujemo antioksidantom. V nadaljevanju raziskovalnega dela bi bilo smiselno preveriti preživetje celic ob dodatku izbranega ekstrakta ter testirati, ali bi se metabolna aktivnost ponovno pojavila ob nadaljnji inkubaciji. Preverili bi tudi vplive ekstraktov na zdrave celice, prav tako pa bi pridobljene ekstrakte testirali na večih melanomskih celičnih linijah, da bi s tem lahko potrdili širši spekter učinkovite inhibicije metabolne aktivnosti izbranih ekstraktov. Human melanoma cells are known as one of the most aggressive cancer cells, consequently melanoma is one of the most incurable cancer diseases. There is intense activity in searching and development of potential medicines for malignant diseases, including alternative forms of remedies. The purpose of our work was testing extracts from the common houseleek to establish its impact on human melanoma cells. Namely, we wanted to check, whether these extracts inhibit growth of malignant cells and their metabolic activity. We used various conventional extraction methods to get numerous extracts. Then we determined their content of polyphenols and proanthocyanidins, as well as their antioxidative potential. For a relevant comparison we used various procedures of preparation of extraction material. It was partly dried and partly lyophilised. In the extracts we determined polyphenols and proanthocyanidins, as well as their antioxidative potential. Results show, that the highest contents of polyphenols and proanthocyanidins were yielded from lyophilised material, which also had the highest antioxidative potential. The main focus of our work was on analysis of inhibition effects of the extracts on human melanoma cells. We established, that in 24-hour incubation period the extracts inhibited metabolic activity of the cells at higher concentrations of extracts. We attributed these positive effects to antioxidants. In further phases of research work it would be meaningful to check survival of the cells after adding a selected extract, as well as conduct testing with regard to recurrence of metabolic activity in a case of prolonged incubation period. We would also test impacts of the extracts on healthy cells. Additionally, yielded extracts could be tested on several melanoma cell lines, so we could confirm a broader spectrum of efficient inhibition of metabolic activity by selected extracts. |