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It is widely accepted that the use of humour and jokes in particular brings a number of benefits to the EFL teacher. Not only can jokes help to establish a relaxed learning atmosphere, they can also serve as a context in which to study particular aspects of grammar, vocabulary and culture. However, jokes based on national and regional stereotypes tend to be ignored by EFL teachers, as their potential to cause offense has seen them deemed unsuitable for classroom use. The purpose of this paper is to present a different perspective: it is precisely the rather risky nature of these jokes which makes them ideal for classroom use, particularly in lessons with the specific aim of raising students' cultural awareness through the exploration of stereotypes. Splošno znano dejstvo je, da sta humor in še posebej šale zelo dobrodošla pri pouku angleščine kot tujega jezika. Ne le, da šale pripomorejo k ustvarjanju sproščenega vzdušja pri pouku, ampak lahko služijo tudi kot kontekst za pouk določenih vidikov slovnice, besedišča in kulture. Vendar pa učitelji angleščine kot tujega jezika rabijo šale, ki temeljijo na nacionalnih in regionalnih stereotipih, ker so te lahko žaljive in zato neprimerne za rabo v razredu. Namen članka je prikazati, da so ravno te nekoliko problematične šale lahko idealno sredstvo pri pouku, katerega namen je razviti kulturno zavest učencev na primeru stereotipov. |