Regional town Maribor

Autor: Drozg, Vladimir
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Revija za geografijo, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 9-39, 2006.
ISSN: 1854-665X
Popis: Prostorski razvoj mest že dalj časa zaznamuje proces razseljevanja urbanih dejavnosti v okolico. Ob tem nastaja nova oblika mesta, tako imenovano regijsko mesto. V prispevku prikazujemo nastanek in značilnosti regijskega mesta Maribor, in sicer skozi tri vsebinske sklope: socioekonomskega, gospodarskega in fizičnega. Ugotavljamo, da regijsko mesto opredeljujejo tesne gospodarske in socioekonomske vezi med kompaktnim mestom in suburbanim območjem ter intenziven prostorski razvoj v obmestnih naseljih. Regijsko mesto Maribor je šele v začetni fazi razvoja, vendar številni kazalniki kažejo,da se bo začeti trend disperzije nadaljeval in da bo prostorska rast v obmestju še intenzivnejša. Prispevek prinaša tudi kratek diskurz ozamejevanju regijskega mesta. Spatial development of towns has for a long time been marked by a process of dispersion of urban activities into the suburban area. This caused the development of a new town form, the so called regional town. The article shows the development and characteristics of such regional town, Maribor, through three different aspects: socioeconomic, business and physical. It appears that a regional town is defined by strong business and socio-economic ties between the city center and the suburban area as well as an intensive spatial development in the suburbs. Regional town Maribor is at the moment in the initial development phase. However, several factors indicate that the aforementioned trend is to continue and we expect spatial development in the suburbs to become more intensive. This article also includes a short part about the confines of a regional town.
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