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Diplomsko delo prikazuje Društvo narodov v tridesetih letih 20. stoletja skozi poročanja slovenskih časnikov Jutro, Slovenski narod in Slovenec. Društvo narodov je bilo prva mednarodna organizacija z univerzalnimi cilji. Oče ideje o nastanku mednarodne ustanove, ki bi zagotavljala mednarodno varnost in mir, je bil ameriški predsednik Thomas Woodrow Wilson, ki je 8. januarja 1918 ameriškemu kongresu predstavil povojno ureditev v 14. točkah. Zadnja točka je predvidevala ustanovitev združenja narodov, ki bi skrbelo za svetovni mir, politično neodvinost in celovitost malih in velikih držav, predvsem pa skrbelo, da se nikoli več ne bi ponovila morija 1. svetovne vojne. Društvo narodov je temeljilo na mirovnih pogodbah, ki so jih podpisale države poraženke 1. svetovne vojne, in na ustanovnem Paktu Društva narodov, ki je s 26. členi urejal odnose med državami članicami, med državami članicami in nečlanicami, narekoval načine reševanja sporov. Kljub temu da je bila uresničitev kolektivne varnosti v univerzalnem okviru ena od poglavitnih nalog Društva narodov, te prakse niso potrdili. Skozi sama zasedanja in načine reševanja spornih vprašanj so se pokazale slabosti in napake Društva, ki je bilo organizacijsko in strukturno dobro zastavljeno. Veliko uspešneje je Društvo narodov reševalo nepolitična vprašanja. Vzrok počasnemu razkrajanju Društva narodov je bila prevelika želja posameznih velesil po prevladi v Evropi in svetu, tudi na račun drugih sil, kljub temu da so se ob ustanovitvi Društva narodov obvezale, da bodo spoštovale ustanovni Pakt Društva narodov, stremele k sistemu kolektivne varnosti in se zavzele za ohranjanje svetovne varnosti in miru. Slovensko časopisje je v tridesetih letih 20. stoletja zelo dobro ponazarjalo dogajanje doma in po svetu. Dogajanje so opisovali objektivno in podrobno. Časniki se med seboj niso izključevali, saj so v večini vsi poročali na podlagi tujih medijev. The paper focuses on the League of Nations in the 1930s through reporting of the following Slovenian newspapers: Jutro, Slovenski narod and Slovenec. The League of Nations was the first international organization with universal goals. The father of idea about the international institution which would ensure safety and peace was the U.S. president Thomas Woodrow Wilson. On the 8th of January, 1918 he introduced the American Congress with a post-war regulation in 14 points. The last point envisaged founding of association of nations which would provide for world peace, political independence and integrity of both, small and large countries, and above all prevent the horrors of the 1st World War. The League of Nations was based upon peace treaties signed by defeated countries in the 1st World War and on founding pact of the League of Nations. 26 articles of the pact managed relationships between members and non-members of the League of Nations and dictated the ways of settling disputes among them. Although realization of collective safety in universal frame was one of the major duties of the League of Nations, it was not practiced to great extent. The League of Nations was organizationally and structurally well designed but there were also weaknesses and failures, which came to surface during their sessions and in the ways of resolving moot questions. The organization was a lot more successful at resolving non-political issues. The great desire of some major countries to overrule in Europe and in the World, disregarding other countries, was the main reason for slow disintegration of the League of Nations. Although members were obliged to respect the founding pact of the League of Nations, to ensure the system of collective safety and to preserve world's safety and peace, their appetite for power was stronger. Slovenian newspapers very well illustrated state at home and around the world. Their descriptions were objective and detailed. Newspapers did not exclude each other since they were mostly reporting on the basis of foreign media. |