Media coverage of events related to refugee migratons: case study of dnevnik tv news

Autor: Šulc, Ajda
Přispěvatelé: Bučar-Ručman, Aleš
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: Pričujoče magistrsko delo povezuje dve področji sodobnih družbenih procesov. Na prvem mestu povzema teorijo socialnega izključevanja manjšin s poudarkom na priseljencih, njihovi sekuritizaciji in kriminalizaciji. Bolj specifično se usmeri na konkretni primer teh procesov v okviru množičnih begunskih migracij v Evropo v letih 2015 in 2016. Na drugi strani opisuje temelje medijske konstrukcije realnosti in oblikovanja javnega mnenja o pomembnih družbenih procesih, med drugimi tudi o migracijah. Ti dve temi se povežeta ob spoznanju, da so mediji s selektivnim poročanjem eno od orodij socialnega izključevanja, saj tega reproducirajo. Prvi del naloge tako nadgrajuje ta teoretična izhodišča z opredelitvijo medijske marginalizacije, ki jo utemelji na primeru medijske konstrukcije podobe nedavnih migracij. Raziskovalni del naloge je namenjen analizi primera medijskega poročanja o dogajanju, povezanim z begunskimi migracijami, in sicer informativne televizijske oddaje Dnevnik RTV Slovenije. S pregledom nekaterih glavnih elementov medijskega diskurza ugotavlja okvire poročanja in njegove temeljne značilnosti. Kljub temu, da RTV Slovenija velja za javno in neodvisno televizijo, analiza razkriva, da ta pogosto zgolj reproducira politični diskurz o določeni problematiki, namesto kritičnega in objektivnega poročanja o le-tem. Vzporedno s tem pa širi tudi negotovost in problematizira dogajanje, ki ga sicer skuša prikazati z različnih perspektiv, vendar občutno nesorazmerno in v prid trenutnemu prevladujočemu mnenju javnosti ter močnejših političnih elit. The present master's thesis is dealing with two subjects of contemporary social processes. First, it summarizes the theory of social exclusion of minorities with an emphasis on immigrants, their securitization, and criminalization. It focuses more specifically on an exact example of these processes in the framework of mass refugee migrations in Europe in the years 2015 and 2016. And secondly, it describes the foundations of the reality construction and the creation of public opinion by the media, including the opinion on migrations. Those two topics are connected by the fact that the media, with its selective reporting, is one of the main tools of social exclusion, as it reproduces it. The first part of the thesis thus builds on this theoretical basis with the definition of media marginalization process. It also describes the construction of the image of recent migrations by the media. The second part of the thesis, the research, analyzes the example of media reporting on the events related to recent refugee migrations, namely of TV news Dnevnik on Slovenian national television, RTV Slovenia. By reviewing some of the main elements of the media discourse, it identifies the basic characteristics of how Dnevnik was reporting on the refugee migrations. Despite the fact that RTV Slovenia is considered a public and thus independent TV, the analysis reveals that it often solely reproduces a given political discourse on a particular issue rather than reporting critically and objectively. In parallel with that, it also distributes uncertainty among the public and pictures the events as a problem. Although it does try to portray them from different perspectives, but significantly disproportionate and in favor of the current dominant public opinion and the strongest political elites.
Databáze: OpenAIRE