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S pričujočim diplomskim delom se nismo hoteli dotakniti islama kot svetovne vere, temveč smo raziskavo usmerili na področje Republike Slovenije. Predstavili smo islam na Slovenskem in njegov razvoj ter stališče medijev do njega. Namen diplomskega dela je objektivni prikaz vere islam in odnosa do islama v Republiki Sloveniji ter raziskati, koliko smo seznanjeni z njim. V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni tudi običaji in opravljanje muslimanskih obveznosti, vendar ne v smislu predstavitve vere, ampak njenih prvin in tega, da nikakor ne spodbuja k terorizmu in z njim povezanim kaznivim dejanjem. V omenjenem diplomskem delu smo uporabili klasični raziskovalni teoretični pristop z vključitvijo anket in intervjujev. Rezultate smo ponazorili s tabelami. V zadnjem delu diplomskega dela smo ovrgli ali potrdili hipoteze. S pomočjo strokovne literature smo ugotovili, da slovenski mediji sledijo stereotipu tujih medijev. Anketne vprašalnike je izpolnilo 16 članov muslimanske skupnosti. Muslimani se v Republiki Sloveniji počutijo varne in so zadovoljni s svojim statusom. Opravili smo tudi kratek intervju z Nevzetom Porićem, tajnikom islamske skupnosti v Sloveniji. With this thesis we did not want to touch islam as a world religion, but we focused our research on the territory of Republic of Slovenia. So, we presented Islam in Slovenia, it's development status to the media. The aim of the thesis is a fair representatiton of Islam and relationship towards it in Republic of Slovenia, and the familiarity of the faith in the country. In this thesis we also mentioned practices and the provision of Muslim obligations, not in terms to present the faith, but to show the elements of religion and that in no way is there encouragement of terrorism and crime. During this thesis, we used the classic theoretical resarch approach by including surveys and interviews. The results are illustrated by means of tables. In the last part of the thesis we will disprove or confirm the hypothesis. With the help of the scientific literature, we came to the conclusion that the Slovenian media follow the example of the foreign countries. The sirvey questionnaire was completed by sixteen members of the Muslim community, and the results were satisfactory and muslims in Slovenia feel safe, and are satisfied with their status. There was also a short interview with Nevzetom Porićem, secretary of the Islamic community of Slovenia. |