Integrated learning and teaching English in kindergarten

Autor: Kocmut, Tadeja
Přispěvatelé: Brumen, Mihaela
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Diplomsko delo z naslovom Integrirano učenje in poučevanje angleščine v vrtcu je empirično diplomsko delo. Namen je primerjati integrirano učenje in poučevanje tujega jezika v okviru inovacijskega projekta ter tečajno obliko izvajanja tujega jezika. Primerjava je bila narejena na podlagi anketiranja izvajalk tujega jezika za predšolske otroke in opazovanja vodenih dejavnosti v tujem jeziku. Rezultati kažejo, da obstaja statistično značilna razlika med organizacijskima oblikama v izobrazbi in usposobljenosti izvajalcev, izvedbi (vrsti tujega jezika, načinu poučevanja, uporabi didaktičnega pristopa, pogostosti in trajanju učenja in poučevanja tujega jezika, prostoru in času izvedbe, financiranju) ter manjše razlike v stališčih izvajalcev do učenja in poučevanja tujega jezika. Najpomembnejše ugotovitve so, da so otroci pri inovacijskem projektu vsakodnevno izpostavljeni angleškemu jeziku kot pri jezikovnem tečaju, ki ga starši plačujejo, medtem ko učenje tujega jezika v okviru inovacijskega projekta ni financirano ter da razlik v uspešnosti med organizacijskima oblikama ni. Zaskrbljujoča je ugotovitev, da večina anketirank ne razume didaktičnega pristopa, ki ga uporablja, saj se izbran pristop in njegov opis nista ujemala. Raziskava je pokazala, da imajo inovacijski projekti več prednosti kot jezikovni tečaji. The thesis Integrated learning and teaching English in kindergarten is an empirical thesis. Its purpose is to compare the integrated learning and teaching of a foreign language within the innovation project and learning foreign language through a course on the other side. A comparison was made based on an interview with pre-school foreign language teachers and through observation of guided activities in a foreign language. The results show that there is a statistically significant difference between the two organizational forms in education and qualification of a teacher, in implementation (foreign language, method of teaching, didactic approach, the frequency and duration of the learning and teaching the foreign language, the place and time, financing) as well as minor differences in the position of implementors to learning and teaching the foreign language. The most significant findings are that the children in innovation project are more often and daily exposed to English language than those in the course, that the course is financed by parents and on the other side the innovation project is not financed and that there are no differences between them as far as success rate is concerned. My biggest concern is that most participant in the survey do not understand the didactic approach they are using, since their approach and their description of the same did not match. The survey also showed that innovation projects have a priority to foreign language courses.
Databáze: OpenAIRE