Autor: Mihev, Petra
Přispěvatelé: Muhič, Miran
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Diplomsko delo z naslovom Kompetentnost vzgojitelja v vrtcu na gibalnem/športnem področju je sestavljeno iz dveh delov – teoretičnega in empiričnega. V prvem, teoretičnem delu, smo predstavili gibanje, ki ga kot področje opredeljuje Kurikulum za vrtce. Izpostavili smo povezanost gibanja z ostalimi področji, z jezikom, umetnostjo, matematiko, družbo in naravo. Redni vzgojno-izobraževalni proces na področju gibanja je v vrtcih pogosto popestren z dodatnimi športnimi dejavnostmi. Nekatere od teh aktivnosti zahtevajo posebne pogoje. Ne glede na dodatne športne dejavnosti pa je redni proces na področju gibanja pogojen z materialnimi pogoji, ki jih opredeljuje zakon. V teoretičnem delu smo jih opisali. Osrednji del teoretičnega dela se nanaša na kompetentnost vzgojiteljev tako pri izvajanju rednih vsebin na gibalnem/športnem področju kot tudi pri posebnih vsebinskih programih, ki zahtevajo posebna znanja, veščine in spretnosti izvajalcev. V empiričnem delu smo za raziskovalni instrument uporabili anketni vprašalnik. Izpolnilo ga je 42 vzgojiteljev koroških vrtcev. Namen raziskave je bil poiskati odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja, povezana s kompetencami vzgojiteljev v vrtcu na gibalnem/športnem področju. Ugotovili smo, da se vzgojitelji zavedajo pomena športa in gibanja pripisujejo jima visoko pomembnost. Glede na to, da so v ospredju kompetence, ki jih je mogoče pridobiti le s konkretno izkušnjo, nas je zanimala soodvisnost kompetenc z delovno dobo. Pričakovali smo, da bo stopnja usposobljenosti soodvisna od delovne dobe vzgojiteljev. Prav tako nas je zanimala razlika, ki se pojavlja med dejanskimi in želenimi kompetencami. Pričakovali smo, da te razlike ne bodo očitne in to so potrdili tudi rezultati raziskave. Zadnji del raziskave se je nanašal na soodvisnost med stopnjo kompetentnosti in koriščenjem možnosti vseživljenjskega učenja vzgojiteljev. Soodvisnost se je pokazala le v primeru uporabe interneta kot načina pridobivanja strokovnih vsebin s področja gibanja. The dissertation titled The Competence of a Kindergarten Educator in Sports/Activities is composed of two parts – the theoretical and the empirical one. In the first part, which is theoretical, the sphere of Movement/Activity has been presented as stated in Kurikulum. We have stressed the connection of sports/movement with some other areas such as language, art, maths, social sciences and science. The regular educational process in kindergartens as far as sports/movement are concerned is normally enriched by certain extra sports activities some of which demand special conditions. Regardless of the extra sports activities the regular process in the sphere of sports is conditioned by material conditions prescribed by the law. These have been described in the theoretical part. The central part of the theoretical section deals with the competence of educators in implementing the regular content of the sports/movement curriculum as well as in their implementing of specific programmes – the ones which require specific knowledge and skills. In the empirical segment a questionnaire has been used as a research instrument. 42 kindergartens in Koroška have been included in this research. The purpose of the research was primarily to look for the answers to the questions in relation to the competence of educators in kindergartens in the sphere of sports/movement. What we have determined is that the educators are aware of the need for the children to be active. The competence in the foreground can only be obtained by experience. What we found most interesting was the degree of interdependence between the teachers’ competence and the length of their service. In comparison with the results of other surveys our results were different. What we also found interesting was the distinction between the desired knowledge and experience and the actual conditions. We assumed that the difference was not going to be substantial and that assumption proved to be accurate. The last part of the survey referred to interdependence between the degree of competence and benefitting from the lifelong learning opportunities. This interdependence was only present in the case of using the internet for the purpose of obtaining professional information in relation to sports/movement.
Databáze: OpenAIRE