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Predmet diplomske naloge je predstavitev poslovne enote Logistični center podjetja BTC d.d. in prikazati pretekli in sedanji način opravljanja storitev distribucijske logistike. Prav tako pa je smoter naloge tudi v izboljšanju dosedanjega dela na podlagi izkušenj, raziskav in videnj tekom pisanja diplomske naloge. V diplomskem delu bomo opisali tudi ISO standarde, ki so pomembni za slednje kakovosti poslovanja. V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na problem distribucije v logističnem centru, ki zajema jutranjo odpremo, elektronske dobavnice, avtomatski obračun stroškov distribucije in transport. Problem jutranje odpreme je razpršenost odpremnih mest po celotnem območju Logističnega centra. Rešitev problema bi lahko bilo zdruţenje vseh odpremnih mest v eno odpremno mesto. Pripravljeno blago za kupca spremlja veliko dokumentov v več izvodih, moţna rešitev bi bile elektronske dobavnice. Pomemben del distribucije je tudi denarni tok, ki poteka v nasprotni smeri kot blagovni tok. Da denarni tok lahko poteka, je potrebno obračunati stroške distribucijskih storitev. Obračunavanje slednjih pa predstavlja dodaten strošek, ki ga lahko zmanjšamo z avtomatskim obračunavanjem. The graduation theme is a presentation of the logistic center of BTC d.d. company and to show the historical and current operating mode of the logistic distribution. Also, the goal of our task is in improving of functions in the previous work on the basis of experiences, researches and visions during the writing of graduation task. In this diplomawork we are also going to describe the ISO standards which are relevant to the latter's quality of business. In this diplomatask we focused on the problem of distribution in logistic center, which includes morningloading, electronic forms of delivery, automatic calculation for costs of distribution and transport. The problem of the morningloading are places of loading being spread throughout the logistic center. Solution to the problem would be an associationo fall the loadingpoints into one loading location. Prepared merchandise for the customer is being escorted by the large number of documents in several copies while one possible solution would be electronic forms of delivery. An important part of the distribution is also the cash flow which is passing in the opposite direction as the flow of trade. As cashflow is being able to pass, costs of distribution services need to be balanced. The charging of these represents anadditional cost which can be reduced with automatic settling of accounts. |