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V diplomski nalogi bomo v uvodnem delu teoretično obravnavali trženje dogodkov in storitev po različnih avtorjih. Predstavili bomo koncept Planetov Tuš po Sloveniji ter njihovo vizijo. Nekaj besed bomo namenili otroški igralnici Oslarija, nadaljevali pa bomo s konkretnim opisom dogodkov in storitev, ki se za otroke izvajajo v Planetu Tuš Kranj. Osredotočili se bomo na praznovanja otroških rojstnih dni, ki potekajo v otroški igralnici Oslarija. V okviru empiričnega dela si bomo pogledali kakšna je statistika števila rojstnih dni ter število otrok, ki pride k njim v brezplačno varstvo. Pogledali si bomo tudi, kako oglaševanje vpliva na število praznovanj, od česa je odvisno zadovoljstvo staršev in otrok ter kako je z obiskanostjo in s poznavanjem dogodkov v Planetu Tuš Kranj. In this thesis we theoretically discuss the introductory part of marketing of events and services by different authors. We will introduce the concept of Planet Tuš complexes in Slovenia and their vision. We will shortly describe children's playroom Oslarija, then we will continue with a concrete description of events and services for children in Planet Tuš Kranj complex. We will focus on celebrating children's birthdays, which take place in the playroom Oslarija. The empirical work will focus on identifying statistics from numbers of birthdays and free children care, how advertising affects the number of celebrations, what criteria matters with parents and children satisfaction and also attendance and awareness of events for children in Planet Tuš Kranj main hall. |