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Izhodišča: Komunikacija in priprava pacienta na planiran operativni poseg ter njegove pravice so ključni del dobre priprave pacienta na operativni poseg in zdravljenje po njem. Namen magistrskega dela je opisati komunikacijo in pripravo pacienta na planiran operativni poseg ter njegove pravice in dolžnosti. Metode: Raziskava magistrskega dela je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji raziskovanja. Izvedli smo deskriptivno študijo. Uporabili smo inferenčno statistično metodo in deskriptivno statistično metodo. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da med spremenljivkama elementi komunikacije in varnostjo pacienta obstaja močna pozitivna povezanost (rs = 0,796 p < 0,001). Med spremenljivkama elementi komunikacije in upoštevanje pravic pacientov prav tako obstaja pozitivna povezanost (rs = 0,739 p < 0,001). Mann-Whitney test je pokazal, da ni statistično pomembnih razlik med predhodnimi operacijami in informiranostjo pacienta. Ugotavljamo tudi, da so pacienti, stari do 40 let, v povprečju višje ocenili upoštevanje pravic kot pacienti, starejši od 40 let (U = −2,077 p = 0,038), in da pacienti z osnovnošolsko, poklicno in srednješolsko izobrazbo v povprečju nižje ocenjujejo upoštevanje dolžnosti kot pa pacienti, ki imajo višješolsko izobrazbo in več (U = −2,693 p = 0,007). Diskusija in zaključek: Pomembna kazalnika dobre priprave pacienta na planiran operativni poseg sta dobra komunikacija in poznavanje pravic in dolžnosti pacienta. Ključni pokazatelji so dobra psihična in fizična priprava pacienta in dobro poznavanje samega postopka zdravljenja. Starting points: Communication and patient preparation for a planned surgery and his or her rights are a key part of a patient's good preparation for surgery and treatment thereafter. The purpose of the master's thesis is to describe the communication and preparation of the patient for the planned surgery, and his rights and duties treatment of the patient. Methods: The research of the master's thesis was based on quantitative research methodology. We conducted a descriptive study. We used the inferential statistical method and the descriptive method. Results: The results showed that there was a strong positive association between the elements of communication elements and patient safety (rs = 0,796 p < 0,001). There is also a positive correlation between the elements of communication and respect for patients' rights (rs = 0,739 p < 0,001). The Mann - Whitney test showed that there were no statistically significant differences between prior surgery and patient awareness. We also find that patients up to 40 years of age have higher adherence rates than patients over 40 (U = -2,077 p = 0,038), and that patients with primary, vocational, and secondary education have lower adherence rates, than patients with post-secondary education and higher (U = -2,693 p = 0,007). Discussion and conclusion: An important indicator of a patient's good preparation for a planned surgery is good communication and knowledge of the patient's rights and duties. A key indicator is good mental and physical preparation of the patient and a good knowledge of the treatment process itself. |