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Namen diplomske naloge je ustvariti program vadbe, s katerim želimo doseči cilj povečanje mišične mase pri ektomorfnih tipih ljudi. Ker sem ektomorf tudi sam, sem želel v diplomski nalogi predstaviti posebnosti, s katerimi se ektomorfi srečujemo v procesu pridobivanja mišične mase, in poskusil ustvariti trenažni postopek, ki bi olajšal ta proces. V uvodu smo se osredotočili na pomembne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na trenažni postopek. Opisali smo delovanje mišic ter pojem moči in to povezali s procesom mišične hipertrofije. Zajeli smo tudi prehrano in vse skupaj navezali na značilnosti ektomorfnih ljudi. Na koncu smo prikazali program vadbe, ki temelji na podlagi opisanih načel in komponent trenažnega postopka. Vadbeni program je sestavljen iz dveh makrociklov in traja 8 tednov. Program sta izvajala posameznika stara 17 in 18 let, ki se po konstituciji uvrščata med ektomorfne tipe ljudi. Končna analiza programa je pokazala, da sta s programom uspešno dosegla cilj povečanja mišične mase poleg povečanja obsegov telesnih segmentov sta pridobila tudi na moči. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to create an exercise programme with the goal of building muscle mass for ectomorph body types. Being an ectomorph myself, I want to present the individualities which ectomorphs encounter in the process of building muscle mass and try to create a training routine that would facilitate this process. In the introduction, we focused on the important factors that affect the training routine. We described the function of muscles and the concept of strength, which we connected with the process of muscle hypertrophy. We also included nutrition and implied all together at the characteristichs of ectomorphs. At the end we presented the training routine, that is based on described principles and components of the training process. The exercise programme consists of two macrocycles and lasts 8 weeks. The programme was carried out by two individuals aged 17 and 18 who, by constitution have an ectomorph body type. Final analysis of the program showed that the individuals successfully achieved the goal of increasing muscle mass in addition to increasing the circumference of the body segments they also gained strength. |