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Teoretična izhodišča: Revščina je vse večji problem sodobne družbe. Vedno več posameznikov in družin prestopa prag revščine oziroma je le-ta pri njih že globoko zakoreninjena. Še posebej ogrožena je tista populacija ljudi, pri katerih je tako imenovani tihi »zajedavec« spregledan in počasi, a vztrajno načenja človekovo zdravje in pri katerih zaradi pomanjkanja pada kakovost življenja. Pri odkrivanju revščine je patronažna medicinska sestra pomemben člen, saj ima s svojimi obiski na domu prednostno vlogo pravočasnega odkrivanja revščine in socialne izoliranosti. Kompetentnost patronažne medicinske sestre pri reševanju revščine je majhna, vendar je »posredovalka« ali pobudnica pomoči. Posreduje med službami in se zaveda pomembnosti in moči multidisciplinarnega sodelovanja, da se doseže celovitost, ki pomaga reševati problem revščine. Metodologija raziskovanja: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. V raziskavi smo uporabili neeksperimentalno kvantitativno raziskovalno metodo družboslovnega raziskovanja, pri kateri smo iskali odgovore na vprašanja s pomočjo polstrukturiranega intervjuja in strukturnega anonimnega vprašalnika, ki je vseboval 10 zaprtih, 5 polodprtih vprašanj in eno odprto vprašanje. Rezultati: S pomočjo raziskave smo ugotovili, da se z revščino povečuje tveganje za nastanek kroničnih bolezni, oziroma so le-te že nastale. Da bi posledice revščine bile čim manjše, patronažne medicinske sestre delujejo multidisciplinarno. V Upravni enoti Lenart se patronažne medicinske sestre poleg Centra za socialno delo tesno povezujejo še z Rdečim križem, kjer so aktivistke. Raziskava, ki smo jo izvedli na Okrajnem združenju Rdečega križa Lenart, je pokazala, da aktivno delovanju nikakor ne zadostuje potrebam socialno ogroženega prebivalstva v Upravni enoti Lenart. Sklep: Revščina načenja zdravje, zato je pomembno pravočasno odkrivanje in primerno obravnavanje. Zaradi prikritih primerov revščine in pogoste pridružitve socialne izključenosti le-ta predstavlja vse večjo problematiko. K uspešnosti reševanja revščine patronažna medicinska sestra pripomore z individualnim in celostnim pristopom k družini ter posredniško sodeluje z organizacijami, ki so usposobljene za pomoč ljudem v stiski. Theoretical introduction: Poverty is a growing problem in modern society. More and more individuals and families live beyond the poverty line or the poverty is already deeply rooted. The population of people where the so-called silent »parasite« is overlooked, which slowly but persistently undermines human health, and where the quality of healthy life declines due to living in straitened circumstances, is especially at risk. When discovering poverty, home care nurse is an important element, since she has the primary role of timely discovering of poverty and social isolation. The competence of a home care nurse in solving the poverty is small however, she is the »mediator« or the initiator of material aid. She mediates among services and realises the importance and power of multidisciplinary cooperation, in order to achieve the integrity that helps to solve the problem of poverty. Methodology of the research: In this diploma thesis, the descriptive method is used. For the research, we used a non-experimental quantitative research method of sociological research where we were seeking answers to questions using a semi-structured interview and a structured anonymous questionnaire that contained 10 closed, 5 semi-open questions and one open question. Results: Through research, we found out that poverty increases the risk of chronic diseases or those already occurred. In order to minimize the consequences of poverty, home care nurses work multidisciplinary. In the Administrative Unit Lenart, home care nurses, together with Centre for Social Work, work closely with Red Cross, where the majority of these nurses are also activists. The research, which was held at the Local Association of the Red Cross Lenart, has shown that despite the active work this by no means satisfies the needs of socially vulnerable population in the Administrative Unit Lenart. Conclusion: Poverty undermines health therefore timely detection and appropriate treatment are necessary. Due to hidden cases of poverty and frequent social exclusion this represents growing issues. For the successfulness of solving the poverty, a home care nurse helps with the individual and integral approach to the family, and works intermediary with organisations who are competent to help people in need. |